Scholarship adjustments?

<p>Has anyone recieved and upgrade in scholarship? I was originally awarded the Merrick (1/3) but I got a letter today stating I will now recieve the King Standford worth (1/2). Has this happened to anyone else? To be honest, I felt slighted by being offered the 1/3 but this sort of changes things.</p>

<p>My d had the same experience. She just got the letter changing her 1/3 to a 1/2. It may sway her choice as she loved Miami but got much more money from Holy Cross in MA. It will be an interesting decision for her as the two schools are so different. Her major is bio (pre-med).
Anyway, I wanted you to know, you're not alone.</p>

<p>My D was offered the 1/2 even though, according to their guidelines she qualified for the 3/4. I call admissions yesterday and was told to send an email appealing the scholarship, which I did. Then I read on here that some students got automatic adjustments, so we are very hopeful. I've yet to hear back, but am going to give them a few days before I follow up. D is choosing between American U & Miami, also 2 VERY different schools. American gave her more money as well.</p>

<p>Did anyone who didn't get a scholarship initially get awarded a scholarship?</p>

<p>i got 1/2 but im trying to call to see if they can adjusted it to 3/4</p>

<p>I tried that a few weeks ago, and they were real nice, but said no . let me know if you have any luck. are you going? I am.</p>

<p>Last year we were not successful in moving from 1/3 to 1/2 despite appealing it but S did receive an additional scholarship from the Bus school.</p>

<p>I think it may depend some on where you live - they try very hard to get kids from less well represented states. Last year an EA kid from Idaho posted that he was offered a huge scholarship although according to the criteria he expected less. </p>

<p>This is the first I've heard of such letters. If they went out in previous years, no one posted. Maybe it reflects how their yield is doing from various geographical areas or subsets of kids (intended major, ethnicity, etc.) or an effort to raise the numbers they will report for SAT scores. I'd be surprised if it is across the board - I imagine it is hand-picked kids for some reason known to the adcoms!</p>

<p>This is interesting.... I was offered a 1/3 scholarship with a 3.87 GPA and 1350 SAT. An upgrade to 1/2 would definitely make me lean towards Miami (I'm considering Penn State because it is so much cheaper.) </p>

<p>Any chance they will upgrade my scholarship? How long after you received your original scholarship did you receive your upgrade? I would hate to choose to enter Penn State and then find out Miami upgraded my scholarship by another $5,000 per year.</p>

<p>it was pretty soon afterwards that they adjusted the scholarship; however, my son received his acceptance very late in the game he got accepted in April when most others had already heard, but they did adjust the scholarship without us asking, then we shot for the moon and called and asked for a 3/4 schol. they said no, but very nicely. My son had the exact same stats as you. I think they may have adjusted him because he was considered an international student (altho we are American, but he went to school overseas) I think the geography may have had something to do with it. It does not hurt to call and send in supplementary recs and any other supplementary mats that may enhance your accetpance. I think you should call and beg with some humility, it cant hurt. My son had a full scholarship to another school, but we went with UM for various reasons; sometimes, i question the decision, but UM is great to deal with, they are very prompt in getting back to us, they offer so much for your money and for the most part we are happy with the choice. another great great thing is tha tthe scholarship is good for 2 years before they look at the GPA where as with most schools you must maintain the B average after one year. since you dont have to let schools know till May 1st you can wait to see if they will upgrade you. i would call and explain the situation to them. they are very understanding. good luck.</p>

<p>I initially got the 1/2 and then ended up with the 3/4 like 3wks before you had to send in your final decision..... (this was last year)</p>

<p>hmmm, very interesting; I had no idea that they might upgrade you without you even requesting it!
d has another larger merit award at another school, but they evaluate you yearly to requalify.
It is reallly nice that UM only makes you requalify once after the 2nd year...</p>