Scholarship Essay? so confused!

<p>Alright, so one of the questions on the scholarship forms stated "what impact will a scholarship have on your ability to attend UW? How will receiving a scholarship help you?"
For those of us that are well-off financially what could we possibly write? I mean even if I didn't receive a scholarship, I would still want to attend UW Mad and I would. I would just take out loans. But I don't want to write "a scholarship wouldn't really help me" because then the committee would just bypass me and not consider me for any scholarships. Yet I also want to be honest...</p>

<p>So any ideas...?</p>

<p>Taking out more loans is not great and you can say that. Say you want to go into some do gooder low pay field or grad school.</p>

<p>Well-off people do not have to take out loans to pay for college. Many graduates are strapped for years and even decades paying back students loans on entry-level salaries. The real travesty (and this applies nationwide, not just at UW) is that the low-income get a lot of help through financial aid (state and federal grants, etc.), the well-off can easily afford it, but the middle class (including upper-middle) gets screwed to the wall by the cost of higher education if one wants to attend a good school (UW and public peers).</p>

<p>Agree with JiffsMom: middle class is like free-money purgatory/limbo.</p>

<p>“I would just take out loans” THAT is a good reason to apply for scholarships. You are not that well off financially if you would need to borrow money to attend. Well off means you/your parents can pay without needing to raid their retirement fund, refinance the house or otherwise borrow money. This is a screening question- eliminate those who truly don’t need the money.</p>