Scholarship Requirements?

<p>Can anyone describe the general stats required for each type of scholarship (Isaac Bashevis Singer, University Scholarship, Dean's Scholarship, Trustee Scholarship, Collegiate Scholarship)? I remember seeing them somewhere, but I cannot recall where. The only things listed on the Miami official website are the scholarship amounts ($) and the eligibility to be considered for any academic scholarship. What I am looking for is information on requirements for each specific type. Thanks in advanced...</p>


<p>This will give you an idea. The US is similar, but don’t take these as must haves…your strength in one area may offset weakness in another:</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> for New International Freshmen | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,29537-1;30185-2;40909-2;39220-3,00.html]Scholarships”>,1770,29537-1;30185-2;40909-2;39220-3,00.html)</p>

<p>Thank you very much, BaghDAD. I did actually see that web page, but I assumed it would not apply to me and I didn’t even read it…</p>