
So I am a U.S citizen who graduated high school recently and I want to enroll into columbia southern university as an online college student with a major in psychology and I was wondering if you have advice to get financial aid or know low competition scholarships for me to apply to

Unless I’m reading this incorrectly, this is a for profit college. I would suggest very strongly that you consider this option with caution.

Columbia Southern University is a private for-profit online university in Orange Beach, Alabama.

You can look on their website for all details regarding this. Here is their financial aid how to apply section:


I would encourage you to expand your search for online programs to non profit schools. They are typically less expensive than for profit schools, and credits often are easier to transfer if you decide to go to a brick and mortar school down the road. Try to find a school that has support services to help alumni find jobs.


This article will help you identify online schools and what to look for when making your choice of where to study.

Don’t pay so much attention to the rankings, but use this as a jumping off point to do research on what each school offers, the strength of their career placement and other important factors.

If you qualify for governmental need based financial aid (based on FAFSA) that could also help you pay for accredited schools. Everyone who files FAFSA does qualify for student loans, up to $5.5K the first year, and $27K in total for undergrad.


Many brick and mortar public universities which also offer online degrees charge the same or close to the same tuition/fees for instate and out of state students for online degrees. I agree that it would be a good idea to check out other schools’ psychology programs.


This major typically requires more schooling so that you will need to go to graduate school, which will add to your educational loans and fees.

Plus, a lot of reputable “Schools of Psychology” at major universities may not accept credits from your school.
Please reread all of the comments from the above posters. “For-profit” schools are there to make a profit on YOU.
I would suggest that you start at a Community College and take your online courses there. They will be extremely less expensive and they are there to help you transition to a reputable university.

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You will get MUCH better advising at a community college than you will at a for-profit college. Psych is complicated- you can get a job right after finishing your BA (but not as a therapist, that requires graduate school, certification, time being supervised by a practicing professional); you can go to various types of grad programs (school counseling, social work, doctorate to become a clinical psychologist, etc.). You cannot afford to waste time racking up credits at a for-profit school which won’t transfer to an accredited university.

I know lots of kids who say “Statistics is statistics”. Not true, which they’ve learned the hard way. Taking “Stats 1” may not actually “count” if you intend to get a BS in psychology… which will require a more rigorous introduction to research methodology and data analysis.

Find a community college which you can afford!!!

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