School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Will rules without enforcement and punishment be followed? We all saw the pictures and videos from the Lake of the Ozarks today. This isn’t Japan or Germany.

That’s ironic…but let’s expel 18 year olds…

I would expect this will happen everywhere. I think the kids. might be safer in an outdoor stadium than packed in a dorm common room.

Why should a college not have liability for what it voluntarily chooses to do, when it has other choices? Why should a college be able to evade responsibility for its actions?

In COVID as in other things, our adult offspring need to look out for themselves. Just as they need to leave a frat party if it feels unsafe, they can take responsibility for mask wearing or distancing, recognizing that others may not always do so, whether on campus or in town. They can and will control their own response to the situation.

Bad things happen. Lightening strikes, plagues, locusts, whatever. They used to be called acts of God, and people recognized that not everything is someone’s fault. NYC did not cause the pandemic, nor did Columbia U, for example. The pandemic was an act of nature, or God, or random chance, however you believe. Just because you get sick doesn’t mean someone else was negligent, any more than they are responsibke if you are struck by lightening. You can choose to go outside or not when it rains, or there is a pandemic. You take the risk.

I’m all for rules and consequences, but the “nuclear option” isn’t exactly realistic.

Lower costs hasn’t stopped many here from demanding reduced tuition on the grounds that online classes are inferior.

While it obviously wouldn’t be fair to compare Canadian public universities to American “luxury class private universities and LACs”, I’m still in the camp that university is more than just about credentials and traditional academics. I believe that it is also important for fostering personal growth and development, for helping to produce diverse well rounded and interesting individuals, and for providing opportunities that develop the interpersonal skills that are important to be successful both personally and professionally. For me that aspect of university is just as important as the academic one and what is obviously missing from an online only class environment. Even so, the loss of the on-campus experience while regrettable, is not enough for me to push for campuses to open up without regard to the risks this pandemic creates. While I am hopeful that an online only environment will be short lived, if it’s not, then I would hope that this experience helps DS19 to develop resiliency in the face of adversity and the initiative to seek out alternative opportunities.

They also need to take responsibility for those they infect if they don’t wear masks and distance. If Jerk McSelfish rooms with your kid and infects him because Jerk McSelfish spends his nights drunk at frat parties with no mask and no distancing, shouldn’t Jerk McSelfish take responsibility for what he did? Doesn’t “taking responsibility” apply there? Or is “take responsibility” code for “not take responsibility”?

Have any colleges actually announced mask wearing rules? Parents may want to check if that would be enough to prevent them from allowing a student to return to college.

They will have mask rules
Many schools websites have branded ones. On Michigan’s campus this last semester 99% of the students had one on
Don’t remember if they were following schools rules or the states. It will be announced in the next few weeks but it’s coming for at least the fall.

The schools don’t make money off the students. I think the student season tickets at some schools are about $150, and at some schools they are free. They are more likely to let the full paying (plus some) alums in who pay for parking, buy the program, buy beers and hotdogs (or even fancier stuff), buy some t-shirts for the grandkids and some stuffed mascot toys.

The schools also have to make tickets available to the visiting teams (percentage is set by the conference). What about the band, the cheerleaders, the press? There won’t be room for the students.

If you wanted your university to pack the football stadium with fans during a global pandemic, you probably shouldn’t have picked an immunologist for your president.

So in that situation, Cardinal, I would hope that my kid would move out and camp on someone’s sofa while waiting for the college to find a new space for her. Just as if the roommate was threatening her in any other way. And your suit against the roommate would be dismissed, by the way, since you can’t prove the roomate was the cause of the illness, which could have been picked up in the class, bathroom, town, etc.
I tell my kids to focus on their response, which is within their control, not other’s actions.

Day cares, preschools, K12 and colleges would never open if parents could pursue legal action against kids who likely were contagious at school and got your kid sick.

News from Penn. Very well thought out and communicated. Very similar to what Bowdoin is thinking. @roycroftmom they talk about students wearing masks.

Someone upthread asked if any college had yet published rules about mask wearing. From @homerdog’s link, here’s Penn:

Students would have to wear masks or shields in public, and avoid gatherings of 25 or more. That includes parties, I assume.

I wonder if by “self-isolate and quarantine”, Penn means on the same hallway with other students? Finding separate dorm space for people testing positive would be an issue for urban universities.

I think it is great in theory, but the line about “if possible, teacher and learn remotely” confuses me-wouldn’t that mean no in person class?

Remind me how many players are on a football team?

I totally get that and why my son’s not giving his tickets back. Lol?️?. It was just an idea. But my point is they can attempt at a much lower gate percentage and spread everyone out. The Ncaa can do away with having to have a percentage of visitor fans for one season to get through this. Won’t make people happy. I just don’t see why no one would be allowed in. There must be a way to do it that makes sense per school. Never said there was an easy answer.

What’s funny about this is there are several university presidents that are immunologist. I also didn’t say “pack” if your talking to me?. I said 30% full. Don’t see why they can’t spread that amount of people out. Sit every 5 seats or something like that. The wave will look a bit crazy though. ?.