School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

@momzilla2D So no Wed off but kids will take it off anyway if they need to catch a flight. I know that’s what kids do at other schools that just have Thur/Fri off. I think Bowdoin typically only has Wed-Sun off and it’s not easy for CA kids to get home and back from Maine for Thanksgiving any year.

@homerdog But the potential for a 14 day quarantine on return may discourage travel, especially since there are only 3 weeks of classes after Thanksgiving.

We’d be fine with D20 staying at school over Thanksgiving as long as she can stay on the dorm. D19’s school closed most dorms over Thanksgiving.

That would be a deal breaker for me if my kids couldn’t come home for Thanksgiving break. IMO, the best non religious family holiday of the year.

@momzilla2D did you say that if a student leaves campus to travel home they have to self-quarantine for 14 days?! If true, that’s harsh…

@socaldad2002 MAY have to.

Students traveling during the course of the semester may be required to quarantine for 14 days before returning to in-class learning and other interactions on campus. Guidance will be communicated by July 31 and as it evolves. **

You can notify whomever and just say someone in the class had x. You will also see law changes in this most likely. Just can’t name the person.

They do have Thanksgiving holidays (Thanksgiving + the day after), but not week-long break.

I might be late to the game but Michigan State University just changed course and students on campus in the fall but leave for Thanksgiving and stay home with last 3 weeks of remote learning.

I don’t disagree that faculty aren’t going to want to teach the same class twice to a split class, but all the time involved wouldn’t be doubled. There would only be one prep for the class (same lecture and material to both sections). There would still be 24 papers or exams to grad. There would still be the same number of office hours required for the same 24 people. If they could run the classes back to back, that’s more tiring for the professor but saves on the commuting, the making photocopies, checking emails, etc. It just takes 2 hours to present the info, so the 14 hours becomes 16 or 17 hours. Still more work for the professor, but not double the work.

I do not think professors will agree to it. I asked a friend who is department chair at a SUNY and she said they can’t even get professors to close the windows at the end of a class to keep birds from flying into classrooms and that there is no way they’d agree to wiping down desks and tables or spending more time in the classrooms.

They can notify the class. Don’t have to put the whole school in a tizzy… Lol… I think rules will have to be changed also to some degree. If kids are social distancing masks etc it really shouldn’t be a huge issue. Dorm mate would have to be notified but if the child or adult does the notifying then no Hipaa issues. I assume every kid will be signing waivers of some kind also.

You are thinking that Thanksgiving 2020 will be like other thanksgivings. I don’t think so. No football (NFL maybe but not the high school rivalries, the college games on Friday). Grandparents coming over to celebrate with those kids and their germs home from college? Nope. Black Friday shopping? I doubt it. Neighbors coming over for a drink and pie? Unlikely.

What makes Thanksgiving your favorite holiday? I’m sure your family can make a turkey on another weekend.

Any idea why App State eliminated 3 men’s programs and none of the women’s sports? Are men’s sports more expensive? I am not sure of the specifics of Title 9 but that seems strange to only reduce the men’s…

They can test in different places on the sewage line and pinpoint where the virus is active and if it’s growing. For example most schools have a cluster of big tall dorms, and it’s easy to test that main line.

This is a way better method compared to the random testing to create a model that Fauci mentioned.

GW is going to keep one dorm available for quarantine. They are already short on dorms since they are rebuilding a freshman dorm. I assume Yield was /is really bad . RIT mentioned in a call a few weeks ago that they had a smaller than usual class this past year, and was doing well for 2020 until this hit. Now they likely will be short, with internationals but really going to hurt for those that come for Grad school. They were still "recruiting " and pushed acceptance day until June 1st These schools will need their R and B $ in the fall. they are already going to have to give out more Fin Aid due to the economy. I assume they will survive, but it wont be pretty. D17 just has her final semester at GW. She is concerned that she has a required class for graduation where the professor is older and that if he decides to retire or not return, what will she do.

I do not know this but they may have had more men sports vs women sports, men’s sports that are equal ( women track vs men track ) cost basically the same, football cost a ton but most other sports cost the same with the difference in the head coach salary , I do not see getting rid of indoor track saving them much, same kids will do outdoor track in 95% of the cases. There seem to be a run of colleges killing off sports teams since campus closed, I think this is about the tenth sport I have seen killed off, East Corolina cut 4 sports and the rumor mill says UConn may cut some , up to 8 by the end of June. Some hard choices have to be made and schools can not protect their sports dept.

The school will likely either offer your daughter an alternative class to complete the requirement, the possibility of independent study, or, if there are many students who need this class, offer another instructor to teach it.

[quote=“NJdad07090, post:5095, topic:2088334”]

I do not know this but they may have had more men sports vs women sports, men’s sports that are equal ( women track vs men track ) cost basically the same, football cost a ton but most other sports cost the same with the difference in the head coach salary , I do not see getting rid of indoor track saving them much, same kids will do outdoor track in 95% of the cases. There seem to be a run of colleges killing off sports teams since campus closed, I think this is about the tenth sport I have seen killed off, East Corolina cut 4 sports and the rumor mill says UConn may cut some , up to 8 by the end of June. Some hard choices have to be made and schools can not protect their sports dept.

I believe after the cuts App State will be left with 10 women’s sports and 7 men’s…that was what made it seem strange and made me think perhaps it had to do with the cost which seemed unlikely.

I’m really not understanding your math, here. If they were to double my class time that would add 9 hours/week. So the base time (pre-prep/grading) would not be 16 or 17, but more like 23+. Agree that prep/grading would likely not be impacted much.

When our school eliminated one of the language programs, students still in the pipeline were supposedly able to complete the requirements by taking courses at the local research U. Of course, that depends on there being another institution with a comparable course available.

@sylvan8798 when it comes to workload for faculty, would it help if students take two classes at a time instead of four? So, there would be half of the classes offered, I think, and professors would then teach fewer types of classes and just more sections of them. Maybe that would end up being the same number of face-to-face hours.

@socaldad2002 it’s not just about Thanksgiving itself but, especially for freshmen, it’s really nice to get home during that break. For many kids, it’s the longest they’ve been away from home and getting a break before having to go back for the last month of class and finals really gives them the boost they need and the brain-break to push through the end of the semester. I really hope a lot of schools don’t choose this route. I feel like S19 really needed that break even though it was a Wed night flight that got home late and an early morning Sunday flight back to school. Having to quarantine when going back to school would likely keep anyone from going home.