School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Correction: Some states didn’t do their part. Some of us are not doing all that bad, and we resent being lumped with the people wearing swastika masks, if they can wear masks at all. Whether or not any given school has a plan that works will depend in a very large measure on how well their state has managed to get their infection rates under control. I have hope for some of the schools, others not so much.

Some states didn’t but all states will be challenged once mass migrations and new residency of students around the country begins. Particularly the NE because of school density. How many colleges and universities are in NYC alone? And Boston and it’s suburbs?

Agreed. But colleges in those NE states are making it very difficult for kids to get to their colleges so, even in states that did the right thing, college is affected by states that did not.

With the exception of CA, it seems like the public universities have plans that are less restrictive and include much less testing. Probably has to go with a combination of size of the student body, resources/$ and % of on campus students that are more in their control’. It almost seems like some of these schools want to deny there are potential problems and if they don’t do a lot of testing then they won’t have to deal with a problem. In general, the private institutions seem to have more robust and/or conservative plans.

Absolutely. Right now, we are ALL being affected by the states with high cases, in one way or another. It defies belief that this nightmare is as bad as it is in what is supposed to be the most advanced country in the world. Personally, I don’t think the mobilization (of the college students) itself will be as much a problem as the situation once they all get where they are going and every thing shakes down.

It’s not the colleges that are making it hard but the state rules put in place because of covid. If the state says quarantine for 14 days, thats what the colleges have to do.

People are allowed to say bad things about colleges. People are allowed to say that a college is going to fail.

Not 42 cases, 42 people in 14 day quarantine. “Several” leaders were positive. But yes this a bad deal for sure.

On the Galloway study, I was shocked to see he put Pitzer on the Perish list. I didn’t do a deeper dive to figure out why, but it makes me question the validity of his data.

Here is the link to the other thread:

Galloway’s original article was sloppy - for example, the figure he used for “average pay for a full professor” was actually the (much higher) average pay for a full professor at a Ph.D - granting university. He’s corrected that now, but after seeing that kind of very obvious error, I concluded his work needn’t be taken that seriously.

Yes, but later in the article 37 positive cases are reported::

The article goes on to say that the college may not know about all the cases in the community, especially any who were tested off campus.

Agreed - all of the schools in this area (Duke, UNC-CH, Wake Forest, Elon, Davidson) were all initially collaborating on a plan to return. All the other schools are still currently planning to have all students back on campus. D19 is supposed to move into Elon 3 weeks from today and tuition due 2 weeks from today.

Pitzer doesn’t have the long history and the endowment that goes with the history. Also, Pitzer has a lot of majors that don’t produce high paying jobs. I think they will struggle, but either make it or get folded into one of the other consortium colleges. New international students not permitted to come to the US for 100% online classes.

@ElonMomMD – Davidson parent here. Makes me nervous. Am hoping its small size will help with the bubble. Elon’s isolated campus should help it, right? Fingers crossed.

UNC-CH doesn’t have complete control over its plans. The UNC System has been pretty involved in the COVID decisions for all 16 UNC universities.

This is why I understand the mandatory quarantine upon arrival.

So, remind me, are Davidson and Elon bringing all back? If so, I’m guessing there’s a chance they would switch to fewer students. I wouldn’t worry too much. They are private schools and will each make their own decision. Bates, Colby, and Bowdoin are near each other and have different plans.

Lather, rinse, and repeat. We are going to hear these stories a lot this fall, I fear…

If there is a lot of virus locally, there will be a lot of outbreaks in schools. This also applies to college campuses. My suspicion is that colleges won’t have the ability to deal with large outbreaks, so everyone will be sent home.

I wish this wasn’t the case, but until we drive down the amount of circulating virus, having people congregate indoors will not be possible (in any setting, except those with stringent PPE of course).

All students back at Davidson. Many online courses and some hybrid. Some outdoor classrooms. Required masks everywhere. No parties. No sports.

Everyone being tested b4 return. Daily symptom tracker app. They have a contract with a big NC-based lab for testing during the semester and a partnership with a hospital for monitoring sick students in quarantine rooms.

Interesting article about how different colleges in Virginia are approaching the fall.