School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

One of my kids could not register until she proved she had an MMR. She could not have moved into the dorms either.

Other child had to provide vaccination record before she could move into the dorm. I think she had to show a meningitis vaccine but a lot of the other ones weren’t required (MMR, chickenpox, flu).

I enrolled in a couple of credit bearing night courses at a SUNY a few years ago and wasn’t allowed to start until I submitted the vaccination paperwork. I ended up needing a couple of boosters and had to submit paperwork to show that I got them. And this was for classes that were entirely online.

@homerdog Boston College is using the Broad Institute for testing students upon arrival in August. We got another email update yesterday from the College.

Interesting that a Supreme Court case said you can force people to be vaccinated in the interest of public health (in that case for small pox) but there are states that don’t require measles vaccines.

That’s what I was thinking of in terms of kids being able to go to college with out measles vaccines.

Schools may have to require vaccines, just like they already do with many other vaccines. No vaccine, no school.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Deleted several posts that were not on topic.

My Junior will be moving in at Notre Dame on Sunday. His COVID test came back negative. Guess I need to get packed.

I had a similar situation where I teach. After I had adjuncted there for 3 years, I decided I wanted to actually take a course and had to get an MMR series. Apparently, I could stand in front of the students, but I couldn’t sit next to them!

Yale Grad D is now asked to test before she leaves here (SC) and then again after she arrives. Basically want a negative test before students even travel. Yale will pay for test here up to a certain amount. If she times it right she thinks it might satisfy CT requirement to avoid 14 day quarantine. Then Yale will test her when she gets there. They have just told grad students (off campus) that they can then get a free test anytime they want. She likes that since she has a group of friends that will form a “quaranteam” as that gives a way to be safe and keep others safe in the event that someone in the group is exposed or ends up in a risky situation (unintentionally - this is not a group that will be in restaurants, bars or clubs). If there is even a small chance of exposure they can get tested.

UG and grad students in Yale dorm housing are going to be tested weekly I think.

@scmom12 --Twice/week for U/Gs, on & off-campus. I don’t have info on grad students.

All undergraduate students who are enrolled in residence, whether living on campus or in off-campus housing, must be tested on a twice weekly schedule.

D’s school also will not let freshmen register for classes without a vaccination record on file. They are mandating flu shots this year too. I assume they’ll do the same with a covid vaccine.

@CT1417 thanks. I didn’t focus on undergrad. She is phd student - originally they were just tested one time if off campus and they could use a negative test from as early as June - which makes no sense. Now they have to get one when they return to CT and have a neg one before they come. Her friends that are already there have already gotten tested - results up in less than 48 hours.

Grad student testing frequency depends on if on or off campus and if on campus, it is differently for ones in dorm style housing as opposed to apartments live those at Divinity School.

@scmom12 – I hope that Yale, and all of these schools, are ready for the volume of tests that will be required. I trust that they have run the math, but yikes–the logistics of this undertaking…

As a school administrator, I wouldn’t want either on my campus anyway. You want an education here? Yeah, part of that is understanding science and und understanding bunk. Community service? Don’t care how many clothes you folded, caring about the community at my school means you wear a mask.

Yeah, that’s not very consistent, they should require the teachers and lecturers to get the same vaccines they require of the students. In fact, H got his MMR jab today so he can go back to teach high school in the fall.

wow. I didn’t know that college cases might not be counted in total cases because the students might not have a permanent address on their college campus. I also didn’t realize that colleges might choose not to report their cases. Yikes.

There’s an interesting search function here that allows you to check for cases reported by school.

So far, GKUniversity is Covid free…let’s see how things look September 1st…

The second I say there are no cases at my son’s school there will be some…LOL…about a month to go for us…

I’m not sure how accurate that is @GKUnion - It says Purdue has only had one case but that isn’t what the university is reporting. They are saying 3 positive cases for summer start students and 2 dozen positives in athletics. Maybe they only currently have 1 case??