School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

^^^Well, Williams already tried bribing them with tuition discounts. There’s nothing left in that quiver. So, now they have to threaten and coerce them or make the scene sound so unattractive that they have to “take another flight”.

so forehead thermometer on amazon $33.00 usually $58 and I paid $80.00 3 months ago by Veeby. Its a lighting deal. Its the same as the Simzo one I got…Just saying. Very accurate so far compared to other ones we have. I know people are looking for things for their kids.

Carry on…

Reading about Smith and Williams and then contrasting that with schools in hotter zones really is confounding. So many different takes on the same situation. Cornell thinks having everyone back is the safest plan, Smith in a county in a state that has done well with Covid can’t accommodate anyone due in part to their ‘civic responsibility’ Meanwhile schools in hot zones like Tulane UF and Vandy are going full steam ahead. UNC doesn’t believe in widespread testing, other schools will test twice a week. Bowdoin has one of the most restrictive plans in one of the states with the least amount of cases. Some school’s plan seems to be hoping for the best and perhaps if they don’t test widely they can just deny it, while others react almost weekly to spiking numbers in states far far away.
I guess in a couple weeks we will know who has been right.

Thanks @Knowsstuff! I just ordered one. (wouldn’t let me get 2). I will also send a traditional oral thermometer. D20 went for a haircut this week. She was unable to enter the salon as the thermometer was registering 101.7. She felt completely fine, but of course she understood why she could not get a haircut. When she returned home 5 minutes later we took her temp with three different thermometers 98,98,99. It is good to have a backup just in case.

Included in today’s Williams update is a renewed option to defer, take a leave, or switch to remote enrollment:
"If, after you read our updates and protocols, you feel conditions are such that you would prefer to study remotely for the semester or take a leave or gap year, we certainly understand. Please contact…the Dean’s Office as soon as possible if you would like to change your enrollment option. "

Syracuse University has placed a group of students under interim suspension for violating the terms of on-campus quarantine.

If the decision makers at theses colleges reflect the behaviour of the majority of their local area towards Covid -19 then I think It makes perfect sense. Those that are being “ conservative “ ie listening to the epidemiologists, are going to have fewer cases than those with policies that encourage transmission.

Loyola MD today announced all remote instruction for fall.

Can @xyz123a send me a link to the thermometer. I couldn’t find any at that price. Thanks!

Yes, my son has a regular digital one also. I am in medical so easy to get. For those that don’t see the worth that is fine. At his school he has to take it twice a day and record it in an application. Yes, first world problems and not needed and he might not even take it. So I will use it in my medical office then. Its almost $50.00 less then I paid for the first one. Also if keeping a regular thermometer in his back pack (he still has live classes…so far…LOL), that also needs to be cleaned and put back.

AND…how else you gonna meet girls during this time. Hi, My name is …want your temp checked? …LOL…

Lehigh will be using the Vault test as well. A negative test result is required prior to accessing campus by off campus students. Not sure how that will work if they’re attending an in person class?

They are also “bribing” kids to choose the 100% remote option with a 10% tuition discount.

Also adding fairly serious repercussions for violating group attendance numbers.

Some of you may be drawn to informal social gatherings off campus. These events are a particular area of concern, not only related to the spread of COVID-19 among our students, faculty and staff, but also among our South Bethlehem neighbors as well. Students are expected to limit attendance to any events held off campus to 10 or fewer participants (including residents of the house) in an effort to maintain appropriate physical distancing. Students and student organizations who host or attend events that violate attendance expectations will be held accountable by the Code of Conduct. Outcomes for violating these expectations could include removal from housing, removal from in-person classes, suspension, or expulsion for individuals and dissolution or termination for organizations.

Funny you say this. My practice is sports med injury. Some patients will work out before coming in. We have to send them back downstairs to rest then their temp goes down. Plus non of this products are extremely accurate but accurate enough. But they are used for a reason. My son also has a student group that can have 10 students at a time if they decide to go forward with that. Having this will come in handy for that also.

If nothing else, the schools with a lot of fraternities will demonstrate whether or not fraternities can be controlled once and for all. Of course, the schools that own the Greek houses will have an easier time of it than the ones where the Greek houses are off campus. Will the fraternities abide by university behavior contracts? I tend to doubt it.

@CTTC wrote:

I agree. I think universities and LACs with strong sports programs are really going to have to lean hard on the fraternity brothers (and, to some extent, the sororities) and their proxies (Williams has no fraternities, but the sports teams have a huge social footprint.) Interestingly, Wesleyan is leaving the gymnasium open (with proper SD) while Williams is not. I wonder which is the better strategy?

@homerdog Amherst has been quite forthcoming in their information that campus life will look very different in fall. They discussed this as early as the April town hall.

I know. Bowdoin too. But actually seeing videos instead of just imagining it still makes it look worse.

I agree, @wisteria100 . It is particularly surprising when schools in close proximity to each other (Boston, or the Maine colleges) have vastly different approaches.

Bowdoin just sent out an email saying they are sticking with the plan for now but, with so many schools starting to change course and not have any kids on campus, they are just warning that nothing can be for sure right now. They are worried that there is “virus fatigue” and it might just be hard to expect everyone to be vigilant 100% of the time. Warned families that there will likely be cases. They seem very worried about Maine in general and don’t want Bowdoin (or the Bowdoin students coming to live off campus in Maine) to be responsible for any spread. Maine has been doing well.

Like someone mentioned above, I do think it’s interesting that the states doing well now are pulling back. I get that they want to protect their states and their faculty. And they’ll have kids coming from the states that are exploding. That is the crux of the problem. The states that aren’t big on the mask wearing don’t seem as concerned about their colleges but I guess that’s par for the course?

Interesting. I found the U Chicago video sort of uplifting. I thought it looked “less worse” than I expected!! I guess I had low expectations ;-)…

Add Johns Hopkins to the list.

BREAKING: Hopkins will be online-only for the fall semester. Students are encouraged to stay home, and University housing will be offered only to students with demonstrated hardship. This is a developing story. Article to come soon.