School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

but how does going online fix anything? Even if they close the dorms that won’t do anything to the of campus students.

@“Cardinal Fang” – They did.

Well, I was wrong: UNC just shifted to all online classes. However, students will be allowed to stay in dorms.

All of this info re: UNC has me feeling less depressed for ds That UMass Amherst reversed course! I think they made the right decision. Btw—ds has reached acceptance, which took about a week. We are still at the beach for the summer, but we’re heading home in about a week, at which time online classes will start for him, he’ll be able to see some of his hs friends who are in the same boat, etc. I think the start of classes, discussion groups, and other online things UMass is planning to do to engage kids will make him feel connected, which is what we want most for him. I’m just super impressed with his maturity about the whole thing.

I should have elaborated, I meant ‘room and board revenue’ vibe. Totally think they are in it for the football revenue, and realistically, they are quite linked. You are right, they are so in it for the revenue. Hopefully not only motivated by the revenue…

Actually the story says that they are figuring out how to de-intensify dorms. Those who had a contract can leave (not sure if they are reimbursing) and they will prioritize those with hardship when it comes to who can stay. That sounds to me like they are tip-toe-ing close to closing the dorms.

@homerdog The post on their Instagram page seems to suggest they will be letting all students who wish to do so stay in dorms; sounds like they are just giving students the option of leaving the dorms “without penalty” (probably refund, as an incentive to do so without actually kicking kids out).

@RosePetal35 Right. And I bet they are hoping a lot of kids choose to leave. If they don’t, I’m willing to bet they will tell kids to go. The article flat out says it will prioritize keeping those with the need to stay. To me, that sounds like those will be the only kids left there soon.

Am I misunderstanding this, or are they making classes remote but still having sporting contests in person?

Football and BB haven’t been canceled and even if they end up canceled the athletes would still want to stay on campus for training.

ACC has only cancelled some fall sports. Football is still on, as well as field hockey, men’s and women’s soccer, and volleyball. There are also provisions for cross country.

Are they running a university or a professional sports franchise? Why can they test athletes and keep them safe, but they can’t test other students and keep them safe? A football player needs the training room more than a chemistry student needs the lab?

Wow. I suspect many other large institutions will take their cue from this outcome…

My neighbor is leaving for Penn State tomorrow - a freshman. She is so ready to go - she’s the youngest of 4 and they’ve all been home since March. I just put out the trash and she asked if I heard about UNC. The kid is discouraged!

@Mindfully I don’t know; UNC’s reopening was kind of a major disaster, and I don’t think any other large university has had a reopening experience nearly that bad. I have a niece at NC State, and I believe their reopening is going much better.

I really hope you are right. D20 is supposed to move in next week to her large university. Fingers crossed that the other schools can keep it together.

Uh not sure “other schools are doing it better”. You guys have seen Georgia and Iowa State, no?

are we still ok to talk about k-12 fall plans here?

Our district is opening with a 2 day per week in person, 3 remote plan. We have opted for our D24 to begin the year fully remote. We will have the option to reassess our choice prior to the start of each new marking period (so about every six weeks). From what our superintendent has indicated, about 80% of student body will be returning for the 2 day in person schedule.

D24 got her schedule today, and I am pleased that 3 out of her 4 “core curriculum” courses (math, english and history) are backloaded on to second semester (begin Feb 1), when, perhaps, she’ll be back f2f. She’s got Bio, Spanish, gym and ceramics(wondering what that is going to be like online? LOL) for first semester. Feels doable. I guess we’re about to find out.

UNC is going remote…and it’s just a matter of time before the dorms close. The professors warned about this happening, and they were right.

Plus Oklahoma State which had 23 positives at one sorority. Whole sorority now in quarantine.