School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Aug. 10-Aug. 16, actually. And I didn’t say the cases were faculty. I said they were faculty or staff; the dashboard does not break it down further. While students may not have been in close contact with faculty until classes began, they might have been in contact with some other workers.

The five people could all have been coaches for all I know. Or they could have been housekeepers or facility workers, who had been pressuring the administration for weeks about better protection from the virus.

I leave in the morning to help my son move into his off campus apartment. He just checked his schedule. He still has 4 in person classes, 2 hybrid(including a lab) and only 1 class online. His 200+ person class is still scheduled to meet in person. Let’s see what happens.

Where are they finding a place where 200+ students can meet in person with a six foot separation between every two people?

Erre… Were did I state that? I said your child would have to completely “withdraw” from the college for the insurance to be used.

Maybe the faculty are the ones that gave it to the students. No one will ever know. The faculty after all are the ones going home everyday. Even in the bubble schools.

Personal account from ND

Not all schools (colleges and K-12) are using 6 ft guidelines…some are using 3 ft. (don’t shoot the messenger!)

Tufts President hosting a zoom call tonight re: the return to campus.

Haven’t students already started moving in at Tufts?

@“Cardinal Fang” The school repurposed every available space to de-density traditional spaces. That particular class will take place in a 1300 seat concert hall. It’s Anthropology, his last gen-ed requirement.

Just…ugh. ?

Massachusetts Covid updates for today:

175 new cases (population of 6.9 million people)
all time low % positivity - 1.4% (7 day weighted average)
all time low Rnaught - .83%
Testing capacity - Green

Not true about not having enough room and board students. HC actually secured more off campus housing to de-density campus, but that type of housing is billed through the school as room and board. A portion of seniors who get approval from the school do live in off campus housing with private leases, but those leases were signed before March.

Yes from out of region areas. (to quarantine)

I dropped my stuff in my dorm a few days ago, but I don’t move in until 9/8. They are staggering arrivals.

Love this!! I have been checking numbers everyday…as well as Medford & Somerville.

But many international students did not come and many domestic students decided to do online from home. We don’t know those numbers and what percentage of the student body that was - if it was too small, then why bother doing on campus - especially with pressure from profs? Do you have any other intel as to why the cancelled?

University of South Carolina announced today that it will offer saliva testing for all students:

It appears that students can get tested whenever and however many times they wish during the semester, but there is no testing requirement.

If a student has symptoms, they are advised to get nasal swab tested at the Health Center rather than the saliva testing.

Notre Dame moving to online classes for 2 weeks. Kids remain in dorms. Re-evaluate from there.

Wow. From the accounts linked above, from Notre Dame:

  • Student's girlfriend gets sick, symptomatic Covid. They are a couple who sleep together. He calls in to get a test. They tell him they're not testing asymptomatic contacts of people who've tested positive.
  • Students are in a small tiered classroom, seated the way they're instructed to sit. Student reports that other students are six feet or more from her on her sides, but not forward and back. Her ponytail brushes the laptop of the student behind her.
  • Student walks through the dining hall. Tables had been placed far apart, but students pushed them together.

+First year law student invites the other first-years to her off-campus apartment for a game night. “We will not be wearing masks.” She later explains that she meant they wouldn’t be wearing masks while eating and drinking in her small apartment; she “meant well.” The las school dean tells her to cancel the party. (I have been reliably informed that the virus can still infect a person who is eating or drinking.)

Cases are going to inevitably continue to rise at Notre Dame for the next two weeks. Of course they will. They would continue to rise even if every student was locked in their own room alone for the next two weeks, because (1) the school hasn’t yet found all the positive cases that currently exist and (2) people who were exposed and are presently incubating the disease will develop it.