School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

My son began his 14 day quarantine today at home. When he arrives at school, he will immediately go to his assigned single room to quarantine until he obtains two negative tests. Each room has a fridge and microwave. Food and bed linens will be provided.

He registered for classes this week - 3/4 are f2f.

On another note…our governor just approved fall sports. Many of the kids in our state are unable to have in-school instruction, and working parents are scrambling for childcare, but at least the kids will be able to play football. smh

The students that live in private apartments have nothing to lose. Most of the classes if not all are already on line. And if the campus closes that does not concern them as they ll be staying in their apartment with their friends anyway.

Most heartbreaking line from the ND student’s account of her first week on campus:

“The professor appears tired. He says that he would rather teach this class online so that he could watch his children, whose grade school meets virtually this semester.”

And by the way, the student who wrote this piece is a graduate student. So doctoral candidates get in person classes, while young children “learn” remotely.

Notre Dame goes online for at least two weeks

ND cancels f2f classes for two weeks.

Our S18 isn’t happy about Ithaca being all distance in the fall. Probably he will be with his gf’s family some and she’ll be here with us some. He was actually ok with his classes being online spring semester, but being separated from someone he’s in a pretty serious relationship with has been tough. They’ve been making the best of it, though.

I wonder how this professor could possibly teach a class (effectively) online and watch his children. Unfortunately doctor’s office admins, nurses, grocery store workers etc. are in the same situation in many states with their essential work and small children at home doing ‘online school’. Academics are not a priority in this country.

Michigan State just pulled the plug on students on campus.


It seems that Notre Dame is not sending kids home because the bulk of the cases are spreading off campus. Those kids will more than likely remain in those apartments even if Notre Dame stays remote. I feel that they are trying to salvage room and board revenue by keeping off campus students off campus, thus keeping the on campus spread manageable. Sadly, I do not see this plan working. Two weeks is not long enough and they just are not doing nearly enough testing. It also makes me sick to think about what Boston will look like in a few weeks when BU, BC, and nu students return. At least BU ad nu are doing thier own testing and lots of it. BC has a plan more similar to nd. I hope they re-evaluate.

Does anyone know if off-campus kids eat on ND campus?

From Michigan State
But given the current status of the virus in our country — particularly what we are seeing at other institutions as they re-populate their campus communities — it has become evident to me that, despite our best efforts and strong planning, it is unlikely we can prevent widespread transmission of COVID-19 between students if our undergraduates return to campus.

So, effective immediately, we are asking undergraduate students who planned to live in our residence halls this fall to stay home and continue their education with MSU remotely. While a vast majority of our classes already were offered in remote formats, we will work the next two weeks to transition those that were in-person or hybrid to remote formats.

As I understand ND housing, its pretty much just the seniors that live off campus. Statement by the university said no one from off campus is to be on campus and vice versa. So I wouldn’t expect off campus kids eat in on campus dining halls. Not sure of that though.

@homerdog, according to the article,

Carnegie Mellon going online.

@RosePetal Agreed, Western Mass is also very progressive generally and very community minded, civic duties are taken very seriously. Also, students at schools like Amherst, Williams and Bowdoin by choosing smaller colleges innately value those more close knit communities where the town meeting culture promotes the sense of acting on behalf of others.

What kind of testing plan does BC have? Seems like ND did not start their surveillance testing right at the beginning… the Boston schools I follow have committed to at least weekly testing for ALL.

@1Rubin to clarify, CMU starting remotely, but as of now still planning on transitioning to in-person.

But ND is still playing football. ?

Wouldn’t they already have started moving in if they have to do a 14 day Q and classes start 8/31?