School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

If you bring them, they will party.

Honestly, there is no where to go for those Bowdoin freshmen. Even if someone has a fake ID and can somehow get alcohol, there will be no building to gather in. Maybe (maybe?) they could sit in the woods and drink. Lol.

There are many colleges that have gone back. We are only hearing about the big headliners and the fails. It would be good if we could hear about more schools that have already gone back.

@roycroftmom Villanova is not an LAC. Large university, not to mention a big party school.

Tufts zoom went really well. Reiterated well thought out plans. Contracted for 18,500 tests/week. students tested upon arrival and then every three days. Isolation units (400) are in place. Too many precautions to list, but it was informative and positive.

Main thing is students must do their parts…masks, social distance and no large gatherings (over 10). Testing, and quarantining when needed.

They said no other school will influence Tufts closing…only Tufts students will control that.

I’m hoping for the best.

Plus those pictures (at least the ones I saw) were not “wild parties”. It was kids congregating outside in larger groups - and it was broken up shortly after. The internet is brutal.

@jagrren Did they already start move-in? Or did they pull the plug before students arrived?

D21 has photos from a friend at Creighton - big party, lots of beer, no masks. So, yes, other lesser known schools not behaving either.

@roycroftmom Understood, did not mean to suggest LAC kids are culturally different; however, the communitarian ethos that a NESCAC like Bowdoin, Williams Amherst or any other LAC can use as a touchstone helps create a sense of responsibility. This also supports the extra efforts of staff, administrators and profs to pitch in to make a difficult circumstance better by volunteering time to help conduct testing for arriving students, help with logistics, help students on deciding majors as course requirements are in flux. The cumulative effect of all these acts of support make it easier to get “buy in” from all the stakeholders. Easier to do this at a LAC than a large state flagship.

@gotham_mom @homerdog Yep, Amherst has that rule too. Also, even students in the same pod have to physically distance, and thus cannot be intimate. All the same rules apply to students in a pod; they just get to live in the same cluster of rooms.

None of this is going to end well as far as the logistics. None!!! (not even going to get into the health concerns) It is impossible to control the behavior of 1000’s of kids. Many of the schools are doing everything they can in order to create a safe environment. But by the end of the day, it does come down to the students. When you get a bunch of 18 to 21 year olds together, there is no way many will be able to follow the rules, especially being on their own for the first time and finding all the freedom in their hands

The majority of the schools need the revenue and they are trying (pehaps even misleading many) to make it seem like it can be done. I just don’t see it. Many of us will probably find ourselves in the same situation as we did in the Spring. I am even hearing about Greek life done via ZOOM. Really? All these Universities should have put a stop to Greek life for now. If are not allow to have large gatherings and socials, etc, what is really the point other than $$$$$. Absolutely insane!!!

Do people believe this will really happen? Or should I say not happen? People living near/with each other have been getting intimate for thousands of years. With all kinds of efforts made to prevent the very thing.

I agree that it’s a high expectation but I’m sure the schools felt like they had to say it. Even if kids are intimate within a pod and they are tested twice a week then it’s unlikely to result in some big breakout.

Seems to me creating a rule you don’t intend to enforce (and practically speaking cannot enforce) you are increasing the chances the kids will determine other rules they want to ignore.

Never underestimate the creativity of the motivated partier!

Maybe you’ve never been on Bowdoin’s campus and likely haven’t read the 31 pages of guidelines. Most freshmen are not going to be able to buy alcohol at a liquor store. Bowdoin has said flat out - no parties. No gatherings bigger than ten I believe. There is seriously no where to go. It’s a small campus. Little town and that’s it. And these are new freshmen who have been told it’s up to them to do this right so that everyone can come back in the spring. Their testing protocol seems to be the most intense I’ve seen. If it doesn’t work, no plan will work.

CMU freshman move in starts tomorrow. The 14 day quarantine was originally going to require that on campus students take their first week or two of classes remotely while finishing up quarantine. With the one week delay, the earliest students to move in might be ready to attend in person if CMU actually opens to in person. They just today posted their testing plan (way late for us parents!) which only includes a single test for residential students once during the quarantine period. Off campus students will not be tested unless they are symptomatic and at this time there is no plan to do asymptomatic surveillance testing even for residential students. Based on the talk of the parties happening in South Oakland where many Pitt students live, I doubt CMU will make it to in person classes, or if they do it will be very short lived. My son has an apartment in N Oakland, but is holding off going back to see how it goes for a few weeks.

MSU was set to go back in three days I believe.

Villanova is not a large university with not even 7000 students it barely makes it into the medium university category. Students until their senior year live on campus. I do not know about the party situation I only know what I learned when we toured it. I thought it was a fairly small suburban campus. I do know that no one needs a known party school to party. My kids have plenty of friends at Ivy Leagues that do plenty of partying!

Clarkson University move in happened over the last 3 days. Students had to have a negative test within 7 days of arrival and are being tested again within 2-3 days of arrival. Students from many states (including my freshman son) completed on campus 14 day quarantine beginning Aug 1 per NY mandate. At this stage, there are NO gatherings allowed of any size, and students are being reprimanded and written up for violations pretty frequently and for rather minor infractions including not social distancing even if wearing a mask while outside. Once the test results are back from the move in testing, things will hopefully open up to gatherings of up to 10 (with masks and social distancing). My son has all in person classes and is willing to tolerate the isolation for now in hopes that they will gradually open things up. Classes start tomorrow so time will tell.