School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Mizzou just went back a few days ago. MSU a week before that. Both had students test before classes started but it’s “as requested” after that. Seems insufficient to me.

@EyeVeee Blue lips should go to the hospital. They should have an oximeter and check frequently at a minimum. That kid isn’t getting enough oxygen.

I find articles like this in the Chronicle of Higher Education to be ridiculous. Simply a platform for an individual to espouse their opinion while beating the drum on generalizations. Just like every state responded differently and is vastly different in its geography, demographics, density, etc., every college is even more so vastly different. For some it will work and for some it won’t and the blame for some will fall on the administration and for some on the students. There’s no cookie cutter approach here.

Northeastern already had students with fall coops in the dorms starting in July and they continue to do maintenance testing. RAs have already moved in plus graduate students are returning to campus. Off campus students could start getting tested on 8/17. There will be much more testing starting on the 29th.

A friend reported a problem at CU - trash. All meals are take out so there are bags and boxes and wrappers everywhere. They have a lot of trash and recycle spots, but no one anticipated this much trash every day, all day.

@PetraMC - The parent who told me knows the reason. No idea of the specifics related to conversations or plans, but I know they’re on top of it (as much as possible from 500 miles).

@HamSBDad - I agree that every college is vastly more complicated than even state responses (given the complexities of multi-state students, on/off-campus housing, etc.), but does that makes the vast majority of the 15,000 posts here of very little value? If not, then the article is just another perspective/data point, but from someone seeing the action from the inside.

@EyeVeee I agree it is another perspective but it is a perspective that paints with a broad brush while making assumptions that all colleges deal with partying etc. in the same way. It is good to gather and read the vast range of opinions but an opinion that attempts to speak for all or just others is misguided at best.

The Barstool UMich IG account has a post today that states in big letters:

“Don’t be like Notre Dame.”
“Wear a mask.”

Seemingly (and we don’t have full knowledge about this) you’re contagious for about one or two days before you get symptoms (if you get symptoms) and contagious for about a week.

There are plenty of stories of someone who went to work or went to a party when they had symptoms and then spread the disease. Those irresponsible young women at Alabama could still be spreading disease to people they meet, if they’re infected with covid.

It’s difficult for me to imagine a way that Bama is not going to have a huge outbreak that will spill over to to the local area, based on what we’re hearing. I guess the area and the university are OK with that. I hope they’ve got good hospitals.

@HamSBDad Lots of schools to call out, not sure why ND was in their sights.

People with Covid have the highest viral load two days before symptoms and the first day of symptoms. However, they continue to be infectious for 4 to 7 days after that. So, the infectious period is a week to 10 days long. If those girls have Covid, they will be shedding infectious virus all week and possibly into next week.
It’s too soon to tell how many will be hospitalized with Covid as a result of college spread. People don’t get really sick until the second week. The life-threatening multi-system inflammatory syndrome happens two to four weeks after infection. Also, not every hospitalization is going to be in the news, so it will be awhile before we get any numbers. The jury is still out.

I do have hope that professors will be safe, even with f2f, as long as precautions are taken (frequent testing, masks, plexiglass, ventilation, distance). My DH has been directly treating Covid patients for six months and he has not gotten the virus. I’m more worried about the staff who have to enter dorms—they should have N-95’s.

Probably because ND and Michigan are rivals. And both midwest schools.

@sushiritto - re: Michigan post - OUCH! That hurts as a parent from ND. I’m sure the call out has to do with the proximity/rivalry between the two. Hopefully they can learn from others’ poor judgement.

@sushiritto There certainly are. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for these school administrations to try and control the spread while controlling the student population. It truly is a community effort that requires an allegiance between the administration and the students. Either can be a weak link. Certainly larger schools like ND and those much larger, will have more to contend with.

Because Michigan and ND have a long standing sports rivalry.

Report from Ohio State quarantine dorm:

Having attended last year’s football game between ND and UMich, I understand that their rivals. The next football game between UMich and ND is in 2033.

OSU and MSU are much bigger UMich rivals than ND. So calling out ND, when OSU is having issues with the virus too is strange to me.

Although I realize it’s Barstool Sports IG, UMich opens itself up for much ridicule if it cannot handle the virus any better.

Michigan State went 100% online and told kids planning on moving to campus not to come. So Michigan cannot be that given that students are moving now onto campus and classes start (mostly online from what I understand) after Labor Day.

Ohio State to my knowledge planned for mostly online classes with kids back on campus (dorms at reduced capacity). They have said they will suspend students who violate guidelines and revoke charters/support for organizations that violate guidelines. And have announced suspensions of students. But to my knowledge, they have not altered their plan. And based on recent record against Ohio State on the fooball field, I do not expect Michigan sports based group to talk smack (and this is all the barstool post is, smack with a hope Michigan’s semester goes better than ND’s started – and ND’s is still open at this point how it will end up) about Ohio State.

Notre Dame brought all kids back, didn’t really reduce housing density (not sure they had a lot of choices because as I understand it, there are not a lot of off campus options for housing). Classes in person. A week or so they had to move off that plan and have all classes online and restrict kids from leaving or entering campus (as applicable). Big reason given was off campus parties (attending presumably by on campus kids as well).

So Michigan doesn’t want to be Notre Dame. And if it becomes ND and Michigan plans have to be altered (all on campus kids sent home), I am not sure how Barstool Sports sets itself up for ridicule.

And btw, the best response for Notre Dame (in terms of sports) will be if ND plays fall sports this year (particularly football). Ask Michigan when is kickoff this weekend. :wink:

DH just dropped off S19 at Kenyon yesterday. Sounds like it was relatively painless. Everyone went straight to the athletic center for testing and picking up their scan thermometer. They will all be tested 2 more times over the next 2 weeks, and randomly about 10% of the population weekly after that. All faculty and staff tested as well. S19 had dorm keys in hand after about an hour, though he as 7th in line. I’m sure the last person in line had a MUCH longer day! Stickers were given after you tested so if you weren’t wearing a sticker, Security would direct you to the athletic center for testing.
A few precautions:

  • must remain in the county for the duration of the semester, leaving the campus is strongly discouraged
  • no socializing for 11 days
  • no eating indoors at the dining hall for 11 days
  • essential movements outside of dorm room only for first 11 days
  • bio degradable to go boxes and utensils only since dishwashers can’t SD
  • no contact Chipotle-style serving at dining hall
  • all students receive on campus singles
  • masks required when not in own room
  • FYs, Sophs, transfers, and internationals only 1st semster. then Juniors, Seniors, and internationals on campus 2nd semester
  • Before leaving dorm room each morning students must take temp, and report any symptoms either online or on dedicated app.
  • Village Deli has introduced online ordering and side door pickup
  • Village coffee has no indoor seating for first 3 weeks
  • really nifty looking dashboard that is updated daily. It includes campus, village, and county numbers. So far so good. fingers crossed

For those unsure about geography, ND is about 5 miles from the Michigan border and Ann Arbor is less than 3 hours in a car. Ohio State is actually a bit further from UM than ND.

If OSU and ND had the same outbreak, I would guess Mich would have gone after OSU…or both.

Wow, great LONG rebuttal. ? Seems like a waste of time, but oh well.

How’s OSU doing? Why UMich doesn’t ridicule this instead of ND?

As I said, UMich holds itself for ridicule, at least from the other Barstool accounts.

More sports than football. Last Director’s Cup rankings:

2 Michigan

12 Ohio State

Some folks love to argue, but I’m done discussing this area of the Coronavirus and schools.