School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

We don’t want Michigan to become any of these schools. I go up Thursday and like to make it till then…LOL…so far .9% on the positivity. I saw some pictures yesterday that was discouraging at a frat house. I hope these kids get their act together. They do have like Covid Ambassadors and a hotline to call to basically pimp on your peers. They will send like the police to break up any parties and instill the rules. There is so excuse since everyone has been brainwashed the rules on campus. Even the off campus students know it well

Report from friend that all those take out boxes are causing a lot of trash, so much that staff can’t keep up with it in the outside bins.

All the little things they didn’t think of…

Broad Institute’s dashboard shows they are not near capacity even now. There was a big surge last week (8/18-8/22) but now levels are down to around 20K tests a day.

I know folks were concerned they would bait and switch the colleges that contracted with them months ago, but so far, doesn’t seem that way.

^ At Amherst they are using reusable containers for grab n go, so they get returned and reused.

@suzyQ7 – Broad has been turning around tests for arriving Yale students in under 24 hours, and those tests need to travel from New Haven to Cambridge (I guess?). Granted, not high volume as Yale’s move-in is taking place over five days.

^that makes me a little nervous…

Are all of the schools contracted with Broad for testing fully moved in and in session now?

@xyz123a any clarification on the inconclusive tests? Maybe they were tests during the summer? They can’t be the ones
I assume the tests already given on campus are RAs. I think students start moving in today?

No. Colby and Bates start move in today. Bowdoin on Saturday. Not sure about the others.

The reusable containers have to be washed. And there has to be a place to return them.

CU has about 7000 students living on campus, plus faculty and staff on campus, plus students living off campus but eating on campus. And just regular amounts of trash like cans and bottles. They have a lot of trash areas with 4-5 different types of trashcans for glass, cans, recyclable paper, compost, landfill, but now that students aren’t eating inside, there just aren’t enough outside. Boulder is pretty windy (although right now just HOT), so everything needs to go into a secured can.

Just had a patient that’s son is at Ohio State and she said the majority of the people were wearing masks. She said the “fathers” were the one’s not complying. Come on Dad’s …mask up!!

Judging by what my son, a college student at a Michigan school, says, fans in Michigan would and will ridicule Ohio State, and the state of Ohio in general, at all times for all reasons. Hard to believe they’d stop now.

I think people are overcomplicating it. Notre Dame classes already started and they had to move to online for at least 2 weeks. Ohio State classes started this week. Had OSU classes started 2 weeks ago and ND classes started this week and OSU went 100% online, I think you would have seen a Don’t Be Ohio State message from the Michigan board. And if OSU has to go 100% online and moves kids off campus before Labor Day, I expect you will see smack aimed at Ohio State.

Maybe its loyalty that some people have to ND that causes issues?


@“Cardinal Fang” Yes!!! Its just the culture both ways …but maybe not because of a pandemic. My son told me on his tests at Michigan Engineering, if they ever write an answer on a test that an Ohio State professor did “x” or discovered “X” it is ALWAYS the wrong answer…LOL…I found this humorous.

No. My Williams kid moves in next week.

Reusable would still have to be washed, which is the issue here. If they could wash, they’d just use their dishes. I know it’s less than ideal but there’s a WHOLE lot about 2020 that’s less than ideal.
I don’t have actual numbers of who is on campus. Normally, it would be around 1700 students but S19 guesses it’s probably around 800-900 now.

I vacillate b/w being terrified that my baby is 8 hrs away in a global pandemic and thinking ok, we can get through this. He’ll adjust, we’ll adjust. It’ll be fine. LOL

@homerdog @vpa2019
Classes start at Colby tomorrow. I believe a few kids are moving in today, but the bulk of the student body is there. Freshmen have been there since Saturday. S18 and his roommates received their on campus testing results in about 28 hours, so they are now done with quarantine. Colby’s dashboard was updated today. About 2,000 more tests, but not many if any more inconclusive results. No new cases. Colby has not addressed the inconclusive testing as it falls within Broads 5% margin, so I am not sure what happened or the timing of those tests, but all of those students would have been retested yesterday and received negative results today. It does not seem to be an ongoing problem at this point. I hope it stays that way!

Re Broad Testing: Freshman at BC move in tomorrow and Thursday. The rest are the 28-30, although there are off campus kids already there who have been tested. Also, any returning international students started arriving yesterday.

Friends have a freshman at Auburn. Roommate diagnosed positive and his parents picked him up and took him home. My friends’ son is calling the medical center on campus over and over and can’t get through to get a test. Told his parents that is happening to lots of kids. Need to schedule a test. Can’t just walk in. And they just get put on hold for hours or disconnected. They were able to get him a test off campus on Thursday so he’s staying put until then. He heard a lot of kids with positive tests are just going home and that the quarantine dorm is gross and getting close to being full.

^ They can’t use the dishes because then it wouldn’t be grab n go. They need containers that close for that. I don’t get the sense they are hand washing them, they are going through an industrial dishwashing machine.