School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Haverford is testing everyone before they leave.

So the schools are testing before people leave. If they are positive, will they not leave even though their cars are packed and tickets paid for? Will they stay in the dorms for 14+ days, until mid Dec when everyone else has left for the semester?

I don’t see it happening. They’ll go home and they’ll be ‘very very very careful’, just like they were when they went to Halloween parties and had dinner with groups of friends. They’ll agree to quarantine at home but under their terms.

So testing everyone isn’t good enough. So what should colleges do? Make everyone stay on campus through the end of the semester? Presumably they would need to test then and the same problem with what to do with positive cases would exist. Keep them on campus until the end of the 2020/21 school year? Until there is a vaccine? Something else?

I don’t think this is going to be a big issue. My D20 had to stay in her dorm room for eight days (through three rounds of negative testing) when she first arrived at Tufts. There was no hanging out on the quad; the only time she left the building was to pick up take out meals (which was only allowed after her first negative test.) She said it was not a problem. 6 extra days–they can manage it. They have their phones :smile:

At CU they will have the option to stay in the dorm, but I don’t believe they will be required to. They could decide to drive themselves home and quarantine there. As for getting on a plane… boy howdy I hope they don’t.

They would go home via private car knowing they have covid and quarantine there, like everyone else.

Many schools are saying no air/train travel if you test positive.

This. At haverford if you test positive you can not leave by bus/Uber/train/plain. Stay in the quarantine dorm or travel by private car only.

[quote=“PetraMC, post:17707, topic:2088334”]

Can you name some of these schools? I’m curious only because my kids are 2000+ miles away with no car so it’s certainly not a simple drive out and pick them up kind of situation. Would just like to see the exact verbiage.

The entire state of CT is now at red level on the tracker I follow. Maine seems to have joined us today, but I believe that is due to their high infection rate as their case count is still low. Assume that will change quickly with a 1.41 infection rate.

[quote=“mom1720, post:17709, topic:2088334”]

Here is what Haverford has said specifically:

“Student Surveillance Testing for COVID-19. Similarly, all students will test on a cadence like faculty and staff, with the frequency responsive to evolving conditions. We will also test all students before Thanksgiving break so that they make appropriate travel plans. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 must remain in isolation housing while contagious and may only leave campus if picked up by a family member.”

To be clear, NO ONE who has covid should be getting on a train or plane, no matter who they are, how far they are away from home, or how much the ticket cost.

I mean…

Oh absolutely – I completely agree. My kids would be staying put. I was merely curious about how things were being approached.

U of Michigan is closing the dorms for the next semester, can only stay in dorm under special circumstances

So does that mean no in-person classes? Can’t have classes in person if they are saying students cannot live in the dorms and must stay home.

From the Daily: At the start of the fall semester, 78% of undergraduate classes were online, but after the stay-in-place order, only courses deemed essential remained in person. The University’s winter semester plan will offer more remote courses, adhering more closely to the approach used after the county issued its order.

U of M ain’t messing around.

They got burned in the Fall. Now they don’t have a choice.

"As health officials in Washtenaw County, Mich., recorded hundreds of new coronavirus cases in recent weeks, they found a common thread: the University of Michigan campus, where officials have blamed the rising infections on students ignoring coronavirus restrictions.

On Tuesday, local health authorities issued an emergency stay-at-home order for the campus in Ann Arbor, Mich., mostly restricting undergraduates to their residences unless they’re getting food, doing an essential job or going to class.

Athletics, though, are exempt — meaning that the Wolverines’ football team will keep preparing for a road game in Minnesota on Saturday and an Oct. 31 home opener against rival Michigan State University."

Their COVID dashboard is not exactly a picture of success with over 2,000 cases.


Any person traveling is bringing risk to those around them. That’s just reality. Thinking kids are going to stay in school because they are Covid positive isn’t realistic. My SIL just told me her son is getting out of quarantine. He had sniffles and only found out he had Covid when someone on his floor had it and got very sick. So, it’s going to spread during Thanksgiving for sure.