School Profile

<p>Just curious what your school profile is, and maybe how it may have impacted where you went to college. My son is at a private day school which has a yearly ACT of 27-28 and SAT of 1210 to 1260. About 1/3 of the students get a 30 or higher on the ACT and go on to elite colleges. 20% get a 32 or higher. Talent is not even distributed as the bottom of the class will go to a low ranked college. He is a rising 8th. grader so I can't comment yet on his college choice.</p>

<p>How do you find out about your school profile even?</p>

<p>It's usually on the school website.</p>

<p>ours only has the racial breakdown of kids, not sat scores and all that stuff.</p>

<p>Our average ACT is slightly above a 28. I'm not sure about SAT scores, though.</p>

<p>Our average ACT is 20....yikes, and most people go to community college.</p>

<p>ours is like 23-24? i think...</p>

<p> school doesnt even have a profile</p>

<p>Well, I don't know about ACT scores but at my school average SAT scores I think are around 2000.
AP courses are mandatory, most people get 4's but a lot of people also get 5's.
And we send many grades to Ivies</p>

<p>Upper-middle public school in Minneapolis:</p>

<p>1200 SAT average
24-25 ACT average
50% in IB (certificate+diploma)
a few to Ivies every year</p>

<p>i think our ACT is like 27ish</p>