School suggestions for summer visits-undecided major + music

Finding cold rural liberal arts colleges within 4 hours of NYC that had a (relatively) larger number of music majors was surprisingly hard to find. Note that I’m using the number of music majors as a proxy for the strength of the music program. Also, schools that are part of the Colleges That Change Lives association were denoted with a CTCL.

  • Gettysburg (PA )
  • Elizabethtown (PA )
  • Susquehanna (PA )
  • Washington (MD)
  • McDaniel (MD) CTCL

These schools didn’t quite check everything on the wishlist, but I think are worth a little digging into to see if they might otherwise fit your son’s interests.

  • Lafayette (PA ) not rural, but not a big city
  • Muhlenberg (PA ) definitely not rural, but a higher percentage of music majors
  • Clark (MA)…definitely not rural, CTCL
  • Wheaton (MA), 4.5 hours away
  • Hampshire (MA), this school isn’t for everybody, and it’s not exactly rural, but I think this could be an interesting fit based on the interest in Hamilton and such. CTCL
  • Vassar (NY), again, not rural

If you have a little bit more give on proximity to NYC, then…

  • Allegheny (PA ), CTCL
  • Hobart William Smith (NY)
  • Washington & Jefferson (PA )

And don’t neglect your SUNYs. New Paltz and Oneonta would fit your geographical wishes, as would Purchase, but that last one is a B.M., though a music minor is offered should he decide to pursue that path instead.

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Wow! Thanks, we are NJ residents but SUNY is definitely on the radar, was thinking Geneseo rather than the others. Clark and Muhlenberg are on the maybe list and I will look into the others! If he doesnt get into one of the most selective on his list paying a little less would definitely be nice.

I understand! Geneseo was the first one I was thinking of, too, but it was outside of the 4-hr geographic zone. :slight_smile:

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Glad Clark was mentioned!


So was going to start a new thread but thought I would continue here first. So basically he is confirmed that he wants a BA music plus something else and has ruled out a BM or conservatory based program. He is almost 100% certain he will apply ED to Williams but realized that warmer weather and slightly bigger is not a bad thing. I am also looking for matches and safeties of schools that offer music scholarships. He did not like Vassar or Oberlin, cannot get a straight answer from him why but he basically did not like the vibe.
Current schools in the mix are
Wake Forest
U Richmond

I know these are all over the place in terms of size and location but they all seem to offer good music programs with auditions for scholarships or to help entry. Do not think that the Maine LACs or Haverford are a good fit. Any one have thoughts or suggestions about this or more schools that offer music scholarship?

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Wake Forest
U Richmond

I’m not sure that Brown offers any merit based scholarships. Davidson has an audition for a very specific award.

Many, if not most, BA music programs do not require an audition @compmom can verify.

If you are looking for less selective schools…you might want to add Skidmore to your list. They also have a scholarship competition for a competitive award.

For less selective…look at Susquehanna and Shenandoah. Would he consider Lawrence (not in the geographic region you are mentioning).

You don’t mention his instrument, but you need to inquire if not BM students are able to audition for and play in college ensembles. At some places this will be a yes, and at others…a no.

He is classical flute. None of these programs have a BM or did I miss it?
Brown, Williams and Wesleyan are the reaches so of course not expecting anything in terms of merit scholarships, same with UVA, that would be just for placement in the major and help to get into the school.
Will look into Skidmore
Lawrence has a conservatory right?

It does. But the school is very open to double majors and students who are not music majors participating.

There are a number of colleges that offer a BA in music…hoping others pipe in with ideas.

For flute, at least the options are for a wind ensemble OR an orchestra. That’s a good thing.

My kid didn’t want to do music anything as a major but she did want to play in an orchestra….not as a music major or minor. That was THE hardest criteria for her to fulfill in her college search.

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He definitely wants to be involved in the music scene and take a major or minor. He just doesnt want 70% if his classes to be music like in a BM program. A BA would be perfect.

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None of the Ivies, including Brown, will give merit money. However, they are very generous with need-based financial aid if that is relevant.


Right, I dont expect merit from the reaches, and I dont think he needs more of those. I was wondering if we were missing any matches and safeties that have good music departments and possibly merit/music scholarships. We will not qualify for any need based aid

Do any schools in post #61 work?

Expanding outward a bit more, have you considered:

  • Bucknell (PA ): Offers a BA and a BM and arts-based scholarships
  • Butler (IN) 5 miles away from downtown Indianapolis in a residential area, so I don’t know if this is rural enough for your son. Offers academic & music scholarships.
  • DePauw (IN): Music scholarships offered, among others
  • Christopher Newport (VA): Offers BA & BM and has arts-based scholarships and academic scholarships for which your son would likely be very competitive. Not rural, but perhaps the outdoors activities of the water would be a good substitute?
  • Franklin & Marshall (PA ): Doesn’t specify music scholarships, but indicates that merit aid is available
  • Furman (SC): Offers academic & music scholarships. And though South Carolina does not scream cold, this is the part of South Carolina that approaches the Appalachians. It’s address is in a city, but it feels more removed.
  • Kenyon (OH): Offers academic & music scholarships
  • Rhodes (TN): If NC schools are being considered, Tennessee is just to the west. No music scholarships listed here, but there are sizeable academic scholarships that your son would be likely to qualify for. And Memphis does have its own musical traditions, though is obviously not rural…
  • St. Lawrence (NY): Not that much warmer than at Williams, but it does offer significant merit aid.
  • College of Wooster (OH): Offers merit & music scholarships
  • U. of the South: (TN) For someone who likes Williams, I could see them really liking Sewanee. Offers generous academic scholarships and smaller music ones, too.

Thank you! I looked at some of them, only Clark worked, we looked into Furman but now I am concerned about sending him below North Carolina
Will look at Bucknell again. I think we looked at that and Kenyon, have to look again. St. Lawerence and Christopher Newport.

He loved Vanderbilt and was thinking about applying to arts and science and then for a minor in the music department but recent events have us excluding TN and SC schools.


I like your list: Brown (open curriculum so can take more music classes if he wants), Wesleyan (long known for world music), Williams (great music dept.) Davidson, Clark (as I wrote before, I really liked Clark) and might add Tufts. UVA is pretty selective (their grad composition program is top notch and progressive.) Then of course some of the less reachy scools (on your list and elsewhere).

You can post on the music major forum as well for more ideas. Besides a good music dept., what are his criteria in terms of size, location, academics, cost and “vibe.”

In many cases, he is wise to focus on BA programs at schools that don’t have a BM program since the best teachers and opportunities may go to the BM students- but not always.

For BA programs, there are usually no auditions for admission (there are exceptions) but auditions in the fall once on campus. For the application it helps to submit a music supplement, if the school allows it, with recording/video, music resume and letter(s) of recommendation related to music.

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Thank you so much! Tufts is a great idea, I guess I forgot about it alone without NEC, our school has a very good record with them for kids with his stats, even without music.
Most of the schools that I mentioned talk about on person auditions either as a get to know you or more commonly for scholarships. Several made it very clear they greatly prefer the in person audition to a submitted one. I cannot find anything for Clark about any music supplement. I guess he will ask in the fall!
He really doesnt have to many criteria besides east coast, North Carolina and north, or midwest, he prefers LACs but actually really liked Vanderbilt in terms of size and location so I think it is more about the vibe of the school rather than anything else. We are having a really hard time making a list because he does not have too many criteria besides being able to play music( but not exclusively) and a campus where he feels comfortable.

Just thought of another one…Consider Macalaster?

Tufts has a thriving music dept. with high participation levels. I liked the Clark curriculum and commitment to the community.

He can ask any admissions office about a supplement. It can sometimes help with reachy schools.

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Oberlin! My first-year son is finding it plenty cold and rural (and loves it)!

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How did he like Oberlin when he was there last summer.