School Year Long Internship at Bing?

Summer internships are more popular than school year ones, so I was considering doing the latter to increase my chances of obtaining one (this would be in junior year, which is three years away from me, but am still thinking about, nevertheless). However, I’m not sure if Bing has many opportunities for a SOM school-year-long internship because of its location. Does anyone know of the opportunities available? Would consulting SOM Career Services or the Fleishman Center give me a lot of info, or is the chances of actually finding a school-year-long internship farfetched for Binghamton? I wouldn’t mind doing a summer internship since I’d be able to perhaps go the city for it, but I believe it would be much harder and more difficult because summer internships are more in demand. Competition would be fierce, especially against Ivy League students.

If you can balance both the rigor of Binghamton as well as an internship during the academic year, feel free to apply! You can get resume and interview help through The Fleishman Center, as well as guidance when applying.