
<p>Can you believe that its the middle of august, and supermarkets like pathmark and walbaums are already advertising for back to school? im going to burn these ad's. </p>

<p>btw, ill be a senior this year. its going to be awesome.</p>

<p>the middle of august? you need to go back to school</p>

<p>Are you a month ahead or something? <em>looks around worriedly</em></p>

<p>I know how that feels..</p>

<p>"back to school, the book's so cool"
^ This is played on TV, advertising school stationary. It has a catchy tune.. plus it's grammatically incorrect :/ It's sooo annoying</p>

<p>lol meant middle of july</p>

<p>dont blame me i was confused. lol.</p>

<p>oh right, it was someone else's fault...</p>

<p>School starts August 8th...</p>

<p>damitssam, are you kidding? august 8th. are you in college or something? </p>

<p>mesaboogie, learn to take things lightly. i had meant to type july.</p>

<p>School starts Aug. 16th. Para me.</p>

<p>I am SO NOT looking forward to back to school shopping because the places are PACKED! And they run out of things. This year, I am shopping maybe a week or a week and a half after school starts.</p>

<p>School starts August 26th....or something around that for me :D!!!</p>

<p>Does anybody remember when school used to start in September???</p>

<p>Nuh uh. Its always been Aug. for me. Once it was as early as the 6th.</p>

<p>My school still starts in Sept! =). Sept 1 tho =(.</p>

<p>lol. my school starts sept 6 b/c im a senior
freshmen have to start august 23.</p>

<p>september 5th :)</p>

<p>why do the other schools start so early? do you guys have a longer summer vacation or more breaks?</p>

<p>Ugh. . . my school starts August 4th.</p>

<p>Not positive, but I'm pretty sure at my school frosh start on September 8th, everyone else on the 9th.</p>

<p>mine starts August 29th or something..not sure actually....</p>

<p>haha..I have yet to start my summer reading! woohoo!</p>

<p>MUAHAHAHAHA My college has orientation on Sept. 18th and starts Sept. 26. hee hee, but school around here starts around August 30th</p>

<p>Quitejaded, what school do you go to?</p>

<p>i really don't know when my school will start but i'm pretty sure it's sept 1 because it started on that day last year.</p>

<p>I happen to like the back-to-school advertisements, even though I'm dreading the start of my senior year (which is August 8th -- like three weeks?)</p>