School's DNR?

Hey all!

I’m applying for Pomona’s fly-in program, and one of the questions asks for my school’s ranking.
Because my school does not do rankings, another option is to put down its DNR.

So, as the title states: what is a DNR and where can I go about looking for it?
I’ve tried Googling but I’ve found nothing helpful.

They want you to enter DNR in the field. It stands for Does Not Rank.

Thank you so much! :slight_smile:
In retrospect, I can’t believe the instructions are so literal.

You’re welcome.

I looked at this thread and wondered if it was talking about a Do Not Resuscitate order. 8-|

LOL @Corinthian, a similar thought crossed my mind as well!

Mine too! (Of course, having just paid the bills for 2 kids in private colleges might have had something to do with it)

My first thought was a “Do Not Resuscitate” order as well. For a split second I was wondering what was going on at the campus. Then I worried that I hadn’t filled out a necessary form. But it’s all good.