Schools known for good merit aid

I believe it is well regarded. Someone else can probably give you a more thorough answer.

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Just wondering if OSU Honors is a strong consideration or what the top few picks are among many great choices.

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My D only applied to honors at Seattle U because there is an additional scholarship. I noticed too late that Gonzaga does that as well.
I think (and her mind could change) the top three are: UW, Gonzaga and Univ of Portland with Willamette in 4th.
She will likely choose UW if she gets in which is a big if.


My daughter was offered $24,000 OOS at MSU. 3.95 gpa, many honors and 2 AP classes (we have limited AP classes available).


Last year for my kid Willamette’s and Whittier’s costs were reversed. Perhaps because we are in California and different geographical preferences? She did get the WUE for Oregon State, so that was I think around $33.000. She considered attending Willamette seriously, but ultimately UC Davis prevailed.
All the best!


AnonMom2 - do you (or anyone) know if you have to submit SAT/AP scores for merit award at Bama? My DS bombed her tests so applied test optional. Decent GPA (3.89uw/4.3 w) but now looking at reality of college cost $$$!

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No, you don’t. You can get merit from Bama test optional, but it can be more difficult. The university will meet its obligations to students who provide tests first. Money left over is available competitively. The students competing for these scholarships can be quite competitive.


Applications needed to be in by January 15 for competitive merit. Round 3 (final round) is early March. Awards are up to full tuition.

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Thanks. That is interesting.

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Also consider that many private schools are also looking for students to be a good fit. I’ve known students to get into a school with more merit $ than others with higher stats on paper. When comparing though, the more merit one did just seem to “fit” there and the other really didn’t. Not that they wouldn’t have done fine. I say it’s the X factor.

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I agree. I don’t claim to know the code the universities use for acceptance or scholarships. What I do know it is never only about stats. It can be what major the student is going into. Definitely ECs and essays can make a difference.

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Why does she not want to go there? IIRC, did your spouse not go to Bama? Has she visited?

She doesn’t want go to school in the South, hates the heat, and she wants a small liberal arts college.


Assumption u gave my DD a full ride! Beautiful hidden gem of a school.


I’d say those are very good reasons! Lol.


My son, 3.75uw/4+w, 1550 SAT, national recognition (rural) but not NMSF/NMF:

Alabama: tuition+1st year room+3500/3k ish first year/probably 13k years 2-4
Nebraska: 25k/14k
MSU (in state): 0/27k

He applied RD to UMich. If he gets in he will be 0/31k

I could not interest him in doing more than applying to Nebraska. He loves a very specific program at Alabama (Blount) and can’t see himself going if he doesn’t get in to that program/LLC.

He would not even apply to the other in state options that actually give decent merit (Mich Tech, CMU).

I am all in on Bama, absolutely loved it, so hoping for good news from Blount this week!


So UMich and MI St don’t give out merit?

Michigan State does for out of state students
 not sure about in-state. My son got about $17K/year of merit from Michigan State, but that still brings the COA to something like $38k.

UMich does not give merit aid for anyone really.

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Merit is competitive at UMich. I got $6500 last year from them, but I had to fill out a scholarship application for it.

MSU gives automatic merit up to $1500 for grades for instate students and then $5000 to select students who were admitted to the honors college. For MSU I got $6500 in merit and then I also earned the assistantship for MSU, which was somewhere around $2000-2500.

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I hear about merit for instate at MSU, but my son and lots of kids have gotten nothing so far. Apparently honors admission is very dependent on uw GPA, so my son wasn’t offered honors and didn’t want to do the extra application you can do if you aren’t invited.

Pretty much no one gets merit at UMich.