Schools known for good merit aid



53? I thought the COA was 70k.

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Tuition only vs full COA? Just a guess.

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Or in state?

I think COA is around $35k instate. And more like $72k OOS.


Would make sense.

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Agreed. However, a friendā€™s kid got UVA and UM business but also UT McCombs honors in-state. The only thing that might topple that would be Harvard or possibly Wharton.

Speaking of value, does Michigan Ross at $10k or more less than comparable privates (Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Northwestern??) offer value in terms of career outcomes and personal attention (class sizes, admin help, class availability, etc)?


UVA does not offer direct admit business. NU, Duke, and Dartmouth donā€™t have traditional
business majors (NU students can get a Kellogg certificate, Duke students can major in Econ with a finance concentration), but obviously do place students into business type careers.

Just Something for students to think about when deciding to attend these schools. If the Plan is to be an Econ major (which is not similar to a business major), the student should have a back up plan if the student doesnā€™t like Econ.


Per cap, my experience was that Dartmouth, Cornell and Duke were strong for IB and strategy consulting. Northwestern probably too. NW is a very tough admit especially with that certificate thing. I once recruited at Ross for mid-tier IB and it was very much on par with UVA business where I also recruited. Maybe more aggressive at Ross and very impressive.

I believe no oneā€™s going into an accounting career out of Wharton but many from Ross and McCombs.

SMU Cox gives lots of merit and one can fill an interview schedule with top talent as well.


@tristatecoog @Mwfan1921
McCombs CBHP graduates also seem to recruit well for IB and consulting in NYC. How about USC Marshall ? Also, what is your take on Ross vs CBHP ? Thanks for your inputs.

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DIckinson just did a great job with merit for my D23. Also met our financial need, which was fairly high. Sheā€™s a good AP student but hasnā€™t cured cancer. If you donā€™t mind a smaller LAC, Iā€™ve been impressed with their effort.


Are either Ross or CBHP in state?
I believe Ross does a bit better in NYC because it has far more students interested in the Northeast. Theyā€™re from there and itā€™s easier for recruiting. UT does very well in oil and gas and throughout Texas in IB. It can place anywhere with MBB types. Per cap, Rice is fantastic.

My West Coast experience is limited but it seemed like Stanford, UCLA and Berkeley drew better. Pomona and CMC would do really well too. At least on par with USC. Top USC students would be like Emory, ND, Wake or BC?

CBHP is in state. Being OOS at Ross makes it tough to justify it (vs McCombs CBHP) since the tuition is $57K.


When did your son hear from Blount?

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We heard right on March 1, but I think he was in the first round of interviews.


Any ideas on how to prepare for the interview? Thanks in advance.

The kids were in virtual groups led by a faculty moderator and 1-2 current students and had a discussion question. I think they just want to make sure they are comfortable interacting in small group discussions that are essential to the Blount philosophy.

The parent Q&A that followed was wonderful, I think the overwhelming sentiment in the parents was that we wanted our kids in this program!

Good luck!

Sorry to add another OT question - are you saying that the parents are invited to the virtual Blount interviews?

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Yeah, I was going to ask the same thing.

Parents have their own Q&A session (ours was immediately after) with Fred Whiting and Deborah Keene, who were awesome at explaining the program, answering all questions.