Schools known for good merit aid

Yes, add Allegheny College. They are generous with their merit scholarships.

General question.

Is there a good way to determine explicitly or infer if applying ED affects a student’s odds of getting merit aid at a particular school? Is there info in the common data set or other places that can help figure this out?

Thanks in advance!

^There’s no real way to know. It’s generally assumed to be a negative effect through common sense: merit aid is meant to attract the best students, but if your “best student” is already committed to attending, there’s no need to attract him/her.

I currently attend Roanoke College (awesome school!) and they offer tons of financial aid. My grades were not the best in high school (B- GPA) and they still offered me an awesome package. They also offer grants for unique financial situations. I had some family/divorce issues going on and they gladly listened and increased my grant money. On their site, you can also calculate your financial aid award by using their Financial Aid calculater, a great tool to kind of give you a ballpark about what you could be receiving.

Actually, although Harvard does not offer merit money it would be a good choice for those with lower incomes. D just received a recruitment packet that said <$60K family income=$0EFC, others <$180K=apprx 10% of income EFC.

Rhodes College awards an average merit-based aid package of $14,000. With few exceptions, students are automatically eligible for all merit-based scholarships without any additional applications.

The four exceptions are two fine arts awards, one Physics fellowship, and a scholarship for low-income students who are very active in community service.

Feel free to PM me if you’d like more details about any of these or just want to talk about Rhodes.

How about Florida State?

Pepperdine has not yet been mentioned. They offer several kids the Dean Scholar and Regent Scholar, each worth about 22K + per year.

*How about Florida State? *

ARe you instate?

FSU seems to rely heavily on Bright Futures. Did you check their website to see what else they offer?

What are your stats?

Sarah, can you tell me more about Roanoke? They’ve been recruiting my son, but he has hesitated to respond because of some of the bad reviews at **************.com.

However, if they offer great financial aid…hmmmmm…

Sarah, can you tell me more about Roanoke? They’ve been recruiting my son, but he has hesitated to respond because of some of the bad reviews at **************.com.

However, if they offer great financial aid…hmmmmm…

My son was given a full ride to Troy Unversity in Troy Alabama.It includes Out of state tution’ room and board. On his SAT he made a 710 in Eng and 780 in Math. He has taken all AP classes and has a 98 UW avg. He will Major in Music ED and a minor in math. It is the school to go to if you want to be a High School Band Dir.He was a NM Commended Student. He really likes the school and is excited to go next fall.

A b’zillion years ago (when I was in high school), my favorite teacher was my amazingly cool and incredibly talented band director. He and his brother (perhaps even cooler who taught in college), both graduated from Troy. They were incredible musicians (and directors). Congrats to your son!

ixrayyou, congratulations to your son. How nice to know that he has a full ride in a great school, and it’s only November. You can relax and enjoy his senior year!

What about schools in New England, specifically Boston/Massachusetts?

Which schools were you interested in? How big of merit are you looking for? (Keep in mind that merit replaces aid.) And for what stats?

Are you’re talking about top schools? LACs? Universities?

Brandeis requires financial disclosure for their “merit” awards, and I think they are using merit a little like financial aid because it is not purely merit.
I also do not believe they are giving as many merit scholarships as the prior response and I believe they are also considering other factors besides academic merit.

could you have gotten a merit aid because of any diversity assets you brought to the school? Are you white or Jewish?

Which school(s) are you asking about?

S just got offered full ride to Auburn. He is a National Merit Scholar, ranked #2 in his class, 12 AP classes, 34 on his ACT. He has good EC’s but nothing great and some community service but nothing spectacular. Auburn package covers everything from tuition to a travel abroad stipend… $116K over 4 years. Letter came in the mail yesterday.

Just saying that Auburn offers a great merit aid package.