Schools known for good merit aid

Could you quote where this is “clearly stated”? I looked and I did not see that. In fact, since this is a thread for merit aid information, I can see where a reader looking at that list would be lead to believe all amounts were merit-based. The follow-up question about the Haverford grant illustrates this confusion.

Maybe I missed something.

For me, it is only pure merit if you don’t need to submit ANY financial info or make any statements about finances or need. USoCal & Santa Clara U, as well as UAz & AzSU were good for folks with high SATs & grades, in our experience. We were told that Boston U and Rice SOMETIMES are generous as well but weren’t with us.

University of Miami (if you have high SAT scores)

Our merit aid experience:

EFC: $62K
Stats: NMF, 2320 SAT, 4.0 GPA, lots of ECs and awards

Schools (Not bothering to list automatic NMF awards like Alabama, Arizona, Oklahoma, etc.)

Agnes Scott: Full Ride+
Fordham: Full Tuition, Honors College
Rhodes: $27.5/yr
Scripps: $22K/yr
Drew: $20K/yr
Bryn Mawr: $20K/yr
Wofford: $15K/yr
Sewanee: $7K/yr
Vanderbilt: $0

(Vanderbilt actually offered $20K/yr financial aid in spite of our EFC.)

“Vanderbilt actually offered $20K/yr financial aid in spite of our EFC.”

Glad to see this posted as my sister’s step son was given $38K in FA from Vandy despite also having an EFC well above their COA. Vandy also increased amount he gets every year since.

Wow, thats great money from Vandy. Last year my EFC was lower and S had a 34 ACT, 4.3 GPA with tons of EC’s. leadership etc and he received $1300 in fin aid and that was after I spoke personally to the fin aid officer, asking for some help. Oh and he got a ‘likely letter’. Well at least someone is catching a break. Congrats!!!

Are you both from TN?

It must be noted that many schools give what is strictly merit aid (it won’t increase/decrease over the 4 years and is not based on filling out F/A forms in the future) BUT these may be given as priority where need exists. See Bucknell’s explanation below:

"Need or Merit Based Presidential Fellowships

Recognizes the finest applicants through a thorough evaluation of each candidate who demonstrates exceptional potential to the university. Recipients present superior academic profiles, highlighting a very rigorous curriculum, superior grades and standardized test scores with a commitment to school and civic engagement. In addition, given the annual research opportunity, candidates display an eagerness for scholarly endeavors.

We plan to offer approximately 80 Presidential Fellowships in order to enroll approximately 25 students.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Admissions.

$20,000 renewable per year, beginning with the Class of 2015 plus $1500 Research Opportunity with a faculty member

The vast majority of these awards are need-based. However, we will award a small number to a few students who either do not have need as determined by Bucknell University’s Office of Financial Aid, or are not financial aid applicants.

Automatically renewed for second, third and fourth years as long as you maintain satisfactory academic progress and satisfy particular requirements of the program."

“Are you both from TN?”

My sister lives in Westchester County, NY.

Vandy uses CSS Profile, of course, so I have been attributing the FA to the fact that we have two younger children in private school, which is a factor in CSS but not FAFSA.

CWR offered the most merit aid to my son as an incoming freshman -17k .Rochester only offered 10k 4 years ago .

This may very well be repeated information, but Case Western and RPI both offer pretty good merit aid based soley on merit. Son had very high test scores and 4.2+ gpa and got 22.5 from case And 25K from RPI. Georgia
Tech gave him nothing. It seems like they give lots of money to in state students.

very helpful- thanks for posting!

FYI-- D high weighted GPA, SATs 1980 (3 tests)

St Joes U, Philly- 18K
Catholic u- $14K
Fairfield U- 14K
Delaware- $ 4,500

lol … yea, and who’s gonna pay for this California continuance of the nanny state. Illegal migrant workers? This is laughable in a state that is completely bankrupt. Anything for a vote though …

This is really interesting. Our EFC is too high for need based aid (2 full time jobs plus 2 part time jobs put us over the top on the scale) & I was told to fill out FASFA since some schools need to rule out need based aid before awarding merit. We need the aid but not according to the form (thought about quitting our jobs so we could get some financial aid for S13 but there is the mortgage & 3 additional mouths to feed…):slight_smile:

I, too, am interested in a list of schools for engineering (specifically computer) that offer merit based fin. aid.

University of Central Florida has generous merit aid and an excellent computer engineering program.

[Best</a> Values in Private Colleges, 2011-12](<a href=“Kiplinger | Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecasts”>Kiplinger | Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecasts)=ALL&id=none&sortby=non<em>nb</em>aid_p&sortorder=DESC

Just search the Kiplinger database and look for schools where there is a high percentage of students receiving non-need based aid. Plenty of engineering schools on that list. RPI, WPI, Case, Gonzaga, Santa Clara, Denver, Tulane, Manhattan, Rice.

Just joined this site…want to thank all the parents who have taken the time to so thoroughly give all this valuable information. Have three 2013 graduates with pretty good to great stats and appreciate all these informative postings about merit aid!!!

My child has a perfect 4.0 from a top 10 public HS in the state, with a moderate number of APs and honors classes–basically every single science AP offered at the school but no non-science. 35 on the ACT, and 800s on the math, chem and physics subject tests. We will expect maybe 10K need based–sounds like apply to RPI, Case. Others? thanks

sorry–should add–interested in science–physics/chem/biology etc–so if figure 10K in possible need based–I am looking for merit for some of the rest. Other school suggested who are looking for high test score, high grades applicants and will give merit?