Schools known for good merit aid

Rice has some very good scholarships amd meets 100 percent of need. I had two attend there, and the financial aid was wonderful and reliable-no surprises through the combined 7 years of attendance. Not to mention, it is a fantastic school with wonderful residencial college system!!! Both my kids loved it.

Congratulations to DS of Disneydad! That is wonderful.

My daughter is getting fantastic money at Bard College, where if you graduate in the top ten of your class you are eligible to go for the cost of your in-state tuition. Also, they have a special program for math and science kids. Not a great endowment, but President Botstein as explicit in his opening remarks to parents that the tuition was high so that people who could pay, did and those who couldnā€™t, got help.

Atidrep, do you mean the top ten students in the hs class or the top ten percent? I couldnā€™t find anything about it on the website.

Here is what the Bard Website says:

Excellence and Equal Cost (EEC) Scholarship
A public high school senior whose cumulative grade point average is among the top 10 in his or her graduating class is eligible to be considered for a four-year EEC Scholarship. The EEC program is designed to assist students who would not otherwise be able to attend a private college or university because of its cost. The first-year students who are selected annually to receive EEC Scholarships attend Bard for what it would cost them to attend an appropriate four-year public college or university in their home state. Renewal of the EEC Scholarship is contingent on the studentā€™s maintaining a B+ (3.3) grade average and accumulating at least 32 credits per year.

If an EEC student is a peer counselor, the figures used in computing the EEC award will be tuition, fees, and board. If a student moves off campus or is not charged some of the standard items, the EEC scholarship is computed by using the corresponding billing items of the state university, that is, tuition and mandated fees.

Thanks, AEAmom! Bard is very expensive, so that is very good to know. My d is interested in creative writing, and Iā€™ve heard they have a great program.

Youā€™re welcome. My daughter is interested in creative writing as well!

Another creative writer! My d is mostly looking at small LACs with good writing programs. Have you found anything your d loves yet? Weā€™re in the west, so havenā€™t visited Bard (yet).

Thanks for your message AEAmom. Iā€™ve just come out of lurkdom, so I donā€™t have the magic 15 posts to message you back, but I was interested to read your dā€™s interests. We have some in common, and one I hadnā€™t thought about but will check out.


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Most colleges post a ā€œCommon Data Setā€ file containing abundant information about admission and aid (as well as info about class sizes, demographics, etc.) Section H2 covers financial aid, both need-based and merit (showing, for example, the number of merit scholarships awarded and the average amount).

Parents should understand that merit aid usually does not ā€œstackā€. It offsets (reduces) the amount of determined need. So, unless the amount is greater than the amount of determined need, it generally will not reduce the Expected Family Contribution.

How much aid can UCSC give?

The description of the EEC scholarship at Bard introduces a need based component to the award, i.e., designed for public high school students who could not otherwise afford private tuition. Could you or other posters address this point as it is not unique to the EEC award described in the post.

i donā€™t think UCSC aids that much !

Many schools, students and parents use the word merit aid and financial aid interchangeably. And they are not. This has been a discussion before and will continue to be. The issue is that in many schools, applicants will be awarded MORE financial aid based on merit. In other words, they will give you more financial aid (naming some of it ā€œmeritā€ aid) if they really want you to attend.

However, the thing to watch out for is that it is still FINANCIAL aid. And if you do not qualify for any financial aid, you will not qualify for these ā€œmeritā€ scholarships.

Real merit aid (and it is dwindling) is merit aid that is given without any financial component at all. A poor kid and a rich kid will be on equal footing to receive it. Those awarding it should not even consider EFC.

When you look at the common data set for schools, the distinction I have described is the basis for how they list financial or merit aid. So that is helpful when considering a school.

Good luck!

One school that doesnā€™t pop up on this site very often is Lebanon Valley College in Annville PA. They offer the following merit scholarships:

Vickroy - 50% tuition scholarship to students graduating in the top 10% of their class.
Leadership - 33% tuition scholarship to students graduating in the top 20% of their class.
Achievement - 25% tuition scholarship to students graduating in the top 30% of their class.

With tuition currently at $34,900 / year, itā€™s not a cheap school by any means. But knocking it down to $17,450 with the Vickroy scholarship makes it pretty attractive.

The real kicker is that students accepted to their 6-year accelerated Doctor of Physical Therapy Program get the above scholarships for the first four years and an automatic 33% scholarship for the last two years.

omg thank you so much !!!

The student has some 70ā€™s but a total average near to 80.

My D has been offered a lot of merit aid so far. She is a good student with good SAT scores but not amazing. Solid ECā€™s.

Pacific Lutheran University $21/yr (being considered for up to full ride)
University of Portland $18k/yr
Carroll College (Mt) $16k/yr
Willamette University $22 k/yr
University of Oregon $8k/yr

I just have someone got full merit scholarship to Boston University.

Also considering in-state and OOS. One caveat on merit scholarship - some may think a 3.5 GPA is a doable requirement for college, maybe yes and maybe no. Most schools seem to have a 3.0 to keep scholarship. Read in this thread where student at Arizona State U (with really high stats and good work ethic) was going to have to do a 3.8 2nd semester to keep scholarship. The question most parents might ask is what is the best quality/fit for cost/benefit while fulfilling academic wants/needs. Size school fit for student. Finish in 4 years? Will continuing practice of faith happen? The better you research, know your student and have interested schools visited, the more focused on the application process and sorting out the end decision picture. Maybe student will change major when in college - how does this affect the evaluation? Earlier post talked about less out of pocket for private school vs flagship state school for two of their students. My DD1 (2012 HS graduate) had 1st choice which was the best match/fit for her and best scholarship at UAB - doing well in honors programs and loving it. DD2 (2014 HS graduation) achieved ACT 30, so along with her GPA has her 1st choice which is the best match/fit for her at UA also in honors program.