Schools known for good merit aid

@gandalf I believe the school is Berry College that @tdh3K is talking about.

^ Thanks for the clarification.

My oldest son has a good friend there and he really likes it. he is not from a crazy wealthy family but I think he got scholarships because he had great grades and scores.

Sorry haven’t been on in a while. And yes, it is Berry. Not for everyone, but it fits her perfectly.

Is anyone worried about some of the comments being made about white males/white privilege? My son is concerned that he is from the south and that he will not feel welcome at an Ivy League or MIT.

Appreciate response from 1sokkermom. This type of information is very helpful.

Berry has so much land it has its own PO town name. Its in Rome, but address is Mt. Berry, GA. IIRC its the largest acreage of any college in the US. And the bald eagle cam is fun!

@jym626 Berry sent my daughter their recruiting information in Spanish because she is a National Hjspanic Scholar. They assumed that meant we speak Spanish in our household. #fail

Well it was thoughtful.

Congrats to your child. I’m interested in Vandy for my son
wondering what test scores, grades and extras Vandy rewards. Any chance you can share?

Curious about the student experience at Tulsa U is like. Anyone have feedback? Heard the value is great from award status
what’s it like to go there?

@RedbirdDad, post #1509: This link may provide you with some answers to your questions:

@redbirddad Vandy merit is highly competitive. Top scores, top GPA, top ranking, and likely a hook are needed to get merit from there. All of their students are high achievers so to win the down-selection for merit, the student must be a standout amongst other top students.

The concern is his grade point which is about a 3.4 unweighted and 4.3 weighted I believe.


You also mention 2 C’s. With that GPA, it’s likely that Vandy will not accept him, much less give merit. Sorry.

My daughter is the valedictorian with high test scores, great letters of recommendation, major leadership both in and out of school, etc attending a high school well known to Vandy. She was wait listed. Getting in is difficult; getting merit is extremely difficult without " something" extra.

Woodlands mom, your southern son will find many others from SE in cities like Boston and Chicago, and states like CA. Where in the south are you from?

Thanks bookworm! I tried to respond but it was not letting me. We live in Texas and my son is quiet and shy and is a good kid. He will apply to Harvard but we sort of think you have to cure cancer, join the peace corps or have connections to get in. :slight_smile: (we have no connections) He received a 33 on the ACT with a 36 on the math section but he is only top 25% in his class at a large public high school. I did not mean to sound awful but I think he got concerned at some of the comments that have been made by some of the professors. There may be some other colleges he will apply to in addition to some of the state schools here. (Texas A&M, UT, Texas Tech)

Trinity U in San Antonio gives great merit aid for kids with your son’s stats. Terrific school, and definitely worth visiting.

Good luck.

I have heard lots of great things about Trinity. Good to know. Thanks

New to this forum and have been looking through the threads on merit aid. I don’t see many California schools listed. My daughter’s father resides in California and she enjoys that lifestyle and climate and would like to do her undergraduate there. SAT is 2340 and gpa is 3.9, interested in medical school so she is striving for a high merit award. No financial aid will be given since I own a business and because I am nearing sixty I need to continue to save for retirement. Any ideas?

Hi @txmom16. From our experience, it is very tough to find merit at CA schools, especially state schools or more competitive private schools. My daughter did receive generous merit from University of Redlands and Whittier College. However, with higher sticker prices to begin with, and other issues at those schools, she never got too excited about either one.

I think there is some merit available at Scripps, which is an excellent school. But it is very competitive to get in/get merit and again, higher sticker price to begin with. My D did not apply because her stats likely not high enough for merit, but your D may be a candidate. Another women’s college, Mills, offers excellent merit.

Chapman is another option.