Schools known for good merit aid

Others in the northeast: Syracuse, RPI, UConn, Union, Manhattanville.

Also, these schools in the northeast offer merit: Providence, Fairfield, St Mike’s, St Joe’s, Catholic U. There is a small number of $10,000/yr awards at Holy Cross. St. Joe’s mailed a number of postcards to my D listing awards for SAT levels. Also: Susquehanna, Allegheny, Wooster, Wagner offer merit.

Villanova—about 10-15 full tuition scholarships per year including immediate admission to the Honors Program. Tuition scholarship for a study abroad semester. high powered humanities/philosophy program for freshmen receiving these presidential scholarships.

I would also point out that while elite schools like the Ivy League, MIT, and Stanford don’t award formal “merit scholarships” as such, the reality is that they can and will adjust their financial-aid “calculations” for somebody that they really want, often times favorably changing the proportion of loans/workstudy-to-grants. Sure, it may not be ‘called’ merit aid, but that is what it effectively is.

I know a guy who was basically able to substantially increase the grant portion of his aid package at Stanford basically by threatening to go elsewhere (obviously not in some many words, but you get the idea). So he managed to score for himself what is, in effect, a merit scholarship from Stanford. Stanford may not be calling it a merit scholarship, but at the end of the day, it’s less money he has to borrow, and that’s all that really matters.

" even Ivy League colleges invite accepted students to submit competing financial offers for review."

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

“Even Ivy League schools might dicker if your child is a star. Last year, they upped their aid formulas, especially those based on merit rather than need. That has opened the aid taps to more kids from upper- and middle-income families. The Ivies made the move after they started losing top students to public schools”

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

SOMEONE NEEDS TO GET ALL THIS INFO INTO A BOOK OR WEB SITE…is there any such thing out there yet???

Minimum of $16,000 if you receive the Lafayette College Marquis Scholarship. A SAT I score of 1400 would put one in the running as well as special talent

NJ state schools give excellent scholarships. At most of teh schools, 1500-1600 and top 5% rank gets automatic full tuition and room and board. 1400-1500 and top 5% gets tuition.

Here is the U.S. news listing of schools that most of the students are recieving merit aid

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Thank you sybbie. For the benefit of parents of future applicants, I believe I do know that Cooper Union is a free ride for all. As to the others, do we have any indication of size of average award?

Just want families to be aware that there are two important measures - how often award is given (to how many students) and how significant the $$ is (some awards can be just $1-2000).

Of course, the only truly important measure is how much they give YOUR kid ;).

Hi jmmom,

Cooper Union is only free in terms of tuition. Room and board I think runs in the neighborhood of $13,000 (stillnot bad if you can get admitted)

As mentioned Duke has AB Duke merit awards, Robertson awards with Duke and UNC, and an alum recently gave $30 million for more merit aid. Among LAC’s, Bucknell, Holy Cross, and Lafayette are very generous. Holy Cross awards merit aid for Latin/Classics majors, Music, and recently a number of awards funded by its alumni.

I believed someone earlier ask to see what scholarships people received.
My scholarship info:
Boston University- University Scholarship(half of tuition) $15765
UC Berkeley- Cal Bears Scholarship $5580
Alumni Scholarship $1500
UCLA- University Scholarship $1500
Whitman- A.J. Anderson Scholarship $6000

My son received a $15,000 scholarship at Pratt w/ a $6060 grant.
NYIT offered him $14,000 in scholarship
University of Hartford offered $12,000

His sat score is 1260 and his gpa is 4.0

I don’t know if this is of any interest to anyone but Michigan Tech offers in-state tution to anyone with a 3.5 average. They also offer in-state tution to children and grandchildren of alumni. Once you receive the merit scholarship, you will receive it for all 4 years. No min. GPA requirements.

Nice engineering school in the UP of Michigan. It is <em>really</em> in the middle of nowhere. Very good forestry school. Goes without saying but no one goes home on the weekends-lots of intermural sports. Nice campus, about 7000 students.

I got scholarships to the following schools:

U of Delaware - $15k/year
George Washingotn - $18k/year (I think they’re known for giving lots of merit aid, but its really expensive to begin with)
U of Richmond - $17k/year (automatic scholarship b/c national hispanic recognition of PSATs)
Scripps College - $16k/year (they give out ~40 of these, 1 full)
Villanova - $4k/year (but they give bigger ones, as someone above said)
William and Mary - instate tuition (~$7k/year) paid (I would have had to pay the difference, since I’m out of state).

No time to review nine pages of posts - so sorry if this has been posted before but I just stumbled across it and thought low income families interested in Williams might be interested:

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

were u nhrp hon mention or scholar finalist/ spsat/at- if u don’t mind; my son wants delaware and is hispanic with 192psat/2060sat/3.7 wtd gpa-just trying to guess chances-thxs

If you are a merit finalist, you should consider the University of Florida Honors program, especially if you’re pre-med.For reasons I can’t fully understand, they are obsessed with have the most merits in the Country(they are currently No.2). UFisranked about with BU, and they offer close to a full ride to merit finalists.Honors students have their own new dorm, where you live like a human being. Honors classes are 15-20 and are taught by tenured staff. classes are innovative and seminar style and system is fixed so the honors students pull most of the A’s. Example–Freshman calc at UF is a class of 500. Thehonors program will be a class of 20, but they take the same final as general prgram and are in the general class curve. Also, if you go into the 7 year med school program they pay for the first year of med school. They also give extra money for ind. research or study abroad.

Just wanted to mention that I have been working on a research project that actually looks at merit aid at all of the colleges in the U.S. by:
– percentage of students who actually receive some merit aid,
– average award amounts,
– average award compared to total tuiton costs.

I have been surprised to see that many of the colleges we’ve identified here as “good for merit money” are not quite as good as we think they are by these standards. I’ll be posting highlights of the results on my website in the next few weeks and will let you know here when that information is up.

Carolyn –

Terrific site – just posted to favorites. Thanks for being here!!!

For a prospective engineering student, look at Olin College. Full four year tuition scholarship for all who are admitted.