School's mistake, what do I do?

Wonderful that you could provide the OP with such meaningful help.


Thank you for the news and for helping this student as well as educating us about what could have happened. SO glad the issue is likely to be resolved in the student’s favor.
And, finally, how awful that this for-profit outfit took this veteran’s benefits. :frowning:

I honestly have no idea what happened with the VA benefits. I definitely don’t think that the school kept anything that was supposed to be the student’s, though. I used to process VA benefits, and there are several reasons possible for the mistakes. I don’t believe the issues were the result of anything that was done on purpose. By breaking everything down by date and issue, hopefully things will get resolved.


The school may be surprised when the OP comes back to them with such an organized presentation of the facts! Again, so great you could help. Hope all works out for the OP.


I know your just being you but talk about being selfless. Thx for helping out the OP.


Any update?

I have an update. I have a special personal email address for my CC stuff that’s easier to do outside the CC pm system. I hadn’t heard from the OP in ages & stopped checking. I just checked today and realized that they had sent an email about five weeks ago that I missed (I just set up forwarding to my normal email so that doesn’t happen in the future).

OP sent me text from an email that the school sent them. It was clear as mud, and it took awhile for it to dawn on me that although the VA pays 90% of tuition for the benefit they have, there is an annual limit on the tuition amount that qualifies for the 90%. Anything over that amount is 100% the responsibility of the student. In addition, the VA payment year doesn’t coincide with the traditional definition of an academic year. The student actually owed the amount that was tuition in excess of the VA annual limit. The school screwed up their VA payment processing for the student during the year & they ended up crediting the student’s account for more than the student was eligible to receive from VA. I assume that the VA contacted them about the issue, because the school returned the money to the VA after the student graduated, resulting in a balance on the student’s account after graduation.

Fortunately, this student said that they did get their transcript. That’s good.

What is not good is that the school never succinctly said why the student owes. What’s wrong with: “You were paid too much. You were responsible for 100% of tuition over x-amount, and we messed up and credited you for VA benefits when we shouldn’t have. We apologize, but we had to repay the VA the amount you were not eligible to receive. Let’s set up a reasonable repayment schedule.” Mistakes happen, but if schools don’t explain what happened, students are left wondering what the heck is going on. Customer service is important.


Thanks for the update. Frustrating that the OP has to deal with this.

And totally agree that transparency and clarity are the very least that the college should be obligated to provide.


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