Schools that like LORS

Can anyone name any schools (preferrably on the east coast but willing to look elsewhere) that would provide a good opportunity for a student with strong letters of recommendation to stand out on an application? I know that my letters will be very strong and possibly one of the strongest aspects of my application. Many schools that I have looked at, however, provide minimal opportunity for LORS to stand out such as UMD (only want one teacher letter and one from a counselor), VT and WVU (do not want any letters), etc. I imagine I could be a very good candidate for a school that would accept three letters or two with an emphasis on their importance.

For reference: my last SAT was 1300, but I retook the June test and am aiming for around 1350-1400.

Years ago while telling students not to send in too many extra letters, George Washington said they did read every single one. Other schools said to send outside recommendations only if they could speak to something that truly wasn’t covered elsewhere.

Even at a school that only needs one LOR it can still make a difference if it is an outstanding one. I haven’t heard before people assuming more allowed = more weight. You’d probably still do better aiming at schools where your SAT and gpa are solidly in the middle 50 or above; even the best LOR is only going to go so far in addition to your grades, scores, ECs and own essays.