Schools with a BS/MS Occupational Therapy Program?

<p>Hey everyone! I'm a rising senior who has always been interested and wanted to pursue the sciences. After looking into things, the prospects for a natural science major are not exactly comforting. I considered engineering, but physics is not my cup of tea (whereas I love chemistry!). Anyways, I've recently been looking into physical and occupational therapy. I believe I would be more suited towards a career as an OT, specifically in pediatrics. I'm not set on this and I know that the prereqs for a PT have more lab sciences, so I'm keeping an open mind. </p>

<p>I wanted to know if anybody is aware or has a list of "co-op" programs where you end up with a BS/MSOT or BS/DPT in 5-6 years, only having to apply as undergrad. I know Muhlenberg w/ Thomas Jefferson University has a PT and OT program, as well as BU. I can't really find anymore like this so I'm wondering if they're rare or what... I would like to stay on the East Coast by the way.</p>

<p>Thank you for taking the time to read this!</p>

<p>UAB has a guaranteed med school admission program</p>

<p>As far as BS/MSOT, I was recently at an open house and was told only eight schools in the country have a five year program that you enter into as a freshmen. Four are in Pennsylvania, Alvernia, Elizabethtown, Misercordia and Univ of Scranton. Ithaca NY also has a program. Im not sure of the others, however many schools offer programs that you apply into after soph year.</p>

<p>A couple of schools I know of offhand are Pitt, U Scranton, and Quinnipiac – I imagine you can google this and come up with a more comprehensive list.</p>

<p>I have a family member who just graduated from Ithaca College’s BS/MS OT program and loved it.</p>

<p>There is a list on the AOTA website that includes all Master’s program, so just search for ones that say combined baccalaureate/master’s.</p>

<p>[OT</a> Master’s-Level Programs - Accredited](<a href=“]OT”></p>

<p>However, this is only for programs where BS and MS are at the same school. Some other schools allow you to do your first few years there and then transfer to another school to complete the OT degree. I don’t know of any list for that, but you could look at the MSOT program websites and see what partner programs they list. </p>

<p>For example, for TJU, there is a long list of partner schools, although this list is probably for all of their programs, and not OT specific.
[Jefferson</a> Schools - Admissions](<a href=“]Jefferson”></p>

<p>Gannon Univ has both the OT and PT direct-entry programs.</p>