<p>Hi Everyone</p>
<p>i recently registered to take the oct sat exam, however due to some circumstances, I waent able to study at all during the summer, and thus i feel very uncomfotable taking the exam.</p>
<p>so i decided not to even show up for the exam, because i heard that way, i dont need to fill out a form or contact collegboard in any way to cancel. </p>
<p>However, i did now know that u can sedn free score recipitants to colleges once you registered for the sats, if u send that test as well. </p>
<p>Now my question is can i send my scores to my colleges using the free score reciptants method of sending in my "will be cancelled oct sat scores" as well as the other ones that i want to send? Just wondering if i cancel my oct socre by not showing up, if i would still be able to use the free score method</p>
<p>also when should i send the scores? about 2-3wks befor the deadline?</p>
<p>thanks guys</p>