scores on feb 18

<p>Will all scores be posted online on feb 18? If not, what percentage will be? I seriously cannot wait...</p>

<p>Most scores are posted on the 18th with just a few exceptions. Stand-bys usually take longer and sometimes there may be a mistake with how you filled out your information which could postpone your scores. The majority (85-95%) of scores are posted on the first day however. And if they are not, they usually show up within the next few days.</p>

<p>yup…a bit over 3 more days!!! im freakin out!!!lol</p>

<p>to see my scores i have to sign in to the account i made when i first registered for the test right?</p>

<p>yeah. I can’t wait.</p>

<p>one more thing, what time are the scores going to be posted on Wednesday? i just don’t want to be checking every single minute if they’re not posted in the morning…</p>

<p>I woke up at 6 in the morning and saw mine. </p>

<p>They usually put up a message that they are doing maintenance and that you can’t access your account until after a certain time. I’m guessing anytime after that you could see the scores.</p>

<p>I just looked today and it said they were down for maintenace from Feb. 14th until 6am on the 16th. I don’t remember them doing this for my last test (October). Could this mean that scores will be up sooner- as in tomorrow?</p>

<p>I hope so but probably not. It sais feb 18th and it probably is going to be the 18th. Unless they have alot of the scores in because a small amnt of people took the feb act.</p>

<p>i just hope a bunch of dumb people bumped the curve up.</p>

<p>This kid in my testing center, took 9 minutes of the reading section and math opening his test booklet. He even tried biting the seal off…</p>


<p>Lol. Do fewer people take the Feb. ACT? I know there probably weren’t as many seniors taking it as in December but is there a significant drop in numbers? And a good curve would be wonderful!</p>

<p>A math and science curve like December’s would be amazing.</p>

<p>i’m currently able to log into my act account…but it still says registered…does anyones say tested?</p>

<p>mine says registered as well</p>

<p>I had a dream last night that I scored a 9 on science and a 12 on reading. The sooner I can see my scores and put my anxiety to rest, the better.</p>

<p>Mine says registered still as well.</p>

<p>@es four-- i agree, i am so stressed about my scores…ACT anxiety can go die</p>

<p>last time when i logged in i remember it saying thta i was registered or tested…</p>

<p>but this time since i already taken it once.</p>

<p>it says i only ahve two links</p>

<p>make changes to your registration and When will your scores be ready…</p>

<p>will my scores be ready on wesnday?</p>

<p>so most of us will get our scores on the 18th???
i pre registered and QUADRUPLE checked that my info matched…
i hope its the 18th</p>

<p>i remember when i was logging in to get my december scores,
i took a deep breath and was all ready for it</p>

<p>but by clicking on “see scores/results/whatever”,
you still had to type in your password again
it kind of fizzed out my moment</p>