Scores out.... not mine : [

<p>I was so disappointed this morning, I woke up and check the website and it said my scores aren't avaiable yet.
Wow, that was such a disappointment after like 3 weeks of waiting.
It said on the site to check back in a weeks time to see if its ready.
Is there any chance of that being ready earlier?
This ready mess my college plans up, I applied EA to some schools and these scores were supposed to make it there in time, now I have my doubts : [</p>

<p>I was gonna wait to see these scores so I know if I had a shot at NYU or Boston U, now I guess I'll have to apply but it'll be a shot in the dark I guess.....</p>

<p>Did you wait till 8 eastern to check? If so then I don't think there's any chance of getting them sooner. Check back again because I got mine half an hour ago.</p>

<p>We're sorry, but your scores are not available yet.</p>

<p>Please allow another week for processing before you check back for your scores.</p>

<p>Although most scores are available on the first score release day, a small percentage is not. There are a handful of reasons why scores are sometimes released later than usual. If you took a make-up test after the actual test date or your test center's answer sheets were delivered a day or two late, your scores will be released a little later. Also, if extra time is needed to match your answer sheet information (such as your name or other information about you) to your registration record, then your scores will take longer to process.</p>

<p>We are working as quickly as possible to deliver your scores to you and appreciate your patience.</p>

<p>same here :(</p>

<p>my organizer said the same thing to be at the top of the page. i was so disappointed until i checked on the tests i registered for and saw that my scores really were out. If I were you, I’d check all the tests you registered for just in case because maybe you had the same problem as I</p>

<p>^ same thing happened with me in October so definitely check!</p>

<p>I just got my SAT Math 2 -> 800</p>