<p>This morning, I saw my scores. Going back in now, they are not there. Any ideas what this means? It says they will not be available for another 5-7 days... but I already saw my scores earlier today (and liked what I saw)</p>
<p>in fact, i just went back to CB to have another peek and met the same stunning message....back if I click on see November scores, i can view the november scores alone. but on the full status, i see scores not yet available, meanwhile i saw them this morning/afternoon...</p>
<p>....my biggest issue now is: I WANT TO RUSH scores....can i rush, and assume that the nov sat2 scores i can't see now [but saw earlier] would be included??? </p>
<p>if you want to view your scores, try clicking view november scores. it's there..</p>
<p>This is scaring me. Like WesternMass, I saw my scores this morning (around 5:35am est), but I remember a girl stating that she tried to view hers between 7:00 and 7:17am, and hers were not available yet. I cannot retrieve these scores at all currently (no matter which section of My Organizer I try to access, the Nov. SAT RT scores are "Not Yet Available").</p>