Scripps Housing Questions

Hello! My daughter is a rising high school senior who is very interested in Scripps. We visited the campus in the fall, had a great info session and tour, and loved the campus and residential feel. After the visit, I was doing more research on the school and I came across some troubling info that I hope some of you can shed some light on.

One article mentioned a complicated housing lottery which left many students in situations they didn’t plan for.

The other articles focused on an on-campus housing shortage due to over-anticipated enrollment. Forty first year students were placed in the CGU Apartments (predominantly Claremont Graduate School students) about a mile or so from campus and the problems that went along with that (no sense of campus community, having male graduate students as neighbors instead of 19 year old women, being far from campus without a reliable shuttle, getting back safely to your room late at night).

These articles are all from 2018, so I’m hopeful that these issues may be resolved by now. Grateful for any feedback from parents or students. Thank you!