Second guessing after soar

<p>Before SOAR, I was almost positive that I wanted to major in nursing. I was told by the advisors that it is important to have a parallel plan. I have been doing my research and I am interested in communicative disorders. Is this a common plan? If not, what is to still be on track for graduation? I also noticed you can declare com disorder major in letters&science or college of education. Which is better/the main difference? Thanks so much in advance!</p>

<p>At this point in your college career all you need to do is to plan your first semester courses. Presumably you selected courses that will help you meet general graduation requirements and prerequisites for future courses. It is good for you to have a second plan in case you decide you don’t really want nursing or don’t get accepted by the program. Changing schools/colleges and majors is easy at UW. Do not worry about which is best yet. Give yourself some time at UW- you will learn an enormous amount about how things work once you are on campus and it will be much easier to find answers this fall.</p>