I’m not sure about anybody else that’s applied or is applying to BS, but I seem to have an issue where I second-guess myself about everything that has to do with the applications. However, I always come back to how I did in interviews. Many of my interviews weren’t natural, since it was mostly just question and answers. I want the schools to see that I have a great personality, but I haven’t been able to do that consistently. Does anyone have any advice on how I can bounce back and improve on myself?
@willmo it is very natural to second guess EVERYTHING during this process. My best advice to you is to just be yourself…there is no “right” answer to a question. Interviews are meant to get to know you a bit…who you are, what you like…in order to see if you’d be a good fit. Turn it around and ask questions of the interviewer to see if the school is a good fit for you! Truly ask things that you are concerned about…this is a place you’ll live for 4 years…instead of focusing on what you may have answered wrong, etc.focus more of your interview into seeing if they stack up in your eyes (not in a cocky way, obviously…but then, if you were cocky, you wouldn’t have posted this…lol). Do your best to be confident in who you are no matter what this process throws at you…that will shine through on your interviews.
Good luck!
thanks! @buuzn03
Yes, such great advice!
When you are going through the process, you tend to think “am I good enough?” But the AOS are thinking “Is this kid going to fit in here and thrive?” And while it doesn’t seem entirely intuitive, the kid who will most often invoke a “yes” is the one who can be him/herself. And in the case that your natural self is a terrible fit, now is the time to catch it, not after you’ve moved in!
Is there anything I can do to show the AOs more of who I am after the interviews have happened?
Essays are probably your best bet. Everything else in the application is factual or other people’s perceptions of you, which aren’t always right. The essay is really your only shot in showing AOs who you think you are, along with who you hope to be.
@willmo pour yourself into your essays and write from the heart vs what you think they want to hear. I know there’s debate about whether essays are really read/hold any weight etc on this forum, but the AO at DS’s school told me how much of an impression his essay made on the entire committee and that they still talk about it. DS is very introverted, so I think that was his opportunity to really showcase who he was. If nothing else, it doesn’t hurt!
If you feel like you were a little shy, think about writing an essay that references that. Maybe a time when you noticed something because you were observing and not participating. Maybe a time someone inferred something about you that wasn’t true. In this case, the essay isn’t about being djy, but it shows you are aware of it.
Of course, I am not suggesting you are shy! - just using thst as an illustration.
ok thanks everybody!
Essays- definitely. I would only add…
Send a Thank You note to the AO, if you haven’t already. It’s a nice gesture plus it will go into your file along with everything else for the AO team to review. It shouldn’t be War and Peace or anything- just short and sweet. Look at it as another opportunity show off your great personality.
It’s also another wonderful way for an applicant to circle back after an interview and demonstrate interest, highlight a few key things that you love about the school and thank them again for their time. Maybe add a nice shoutout for the student tour guide- if you had one, too- which is always thoughtful and a nice touch Anyway- I’m sure your notes were absolutely lovely or will be lovely.
And please don’t worry, @willmo . Everyone feels like this during the process…and the kids who don’t worry probably should. You’re FINE.
thank you so much for the advice @PhotographerMom !
Essays for sure! Anybody can get good grades (I don’t mean to make it sound easy for everybody but Injust mean that personality isn’t reflected through grades) or scores on the SSAT but essays are your chance to show the schools what you love, who you are, and how you write. You should also send your interviewers a thank you note, as well as your tour guides if they gave you their email. There is some debate as to whether or not a handwritten old fashioned “snail mail” thank you note is better than an email but in my opinion, email is better. I have been a tour guide at my school for the past few years and I am very involved in the admissions office. They get enough mail as is and a handwritten note is likely to get accidentally lost or misplaced. An email gets across the same message and is less of a hassle for the AO’s, who are already very busy. You should send your tour guides an email instead of snail mail too because obviously us teens like our phones more than our mail boxes:) and some kids don’t check their mailboxes.