Second SAT Scores - Questions

<p>My S has already been accepted into the TAMU engineering program. Although his first SAT scores were very good, he wanted to try and raise his math score so he retook the SAT in October. He succeeded in raising his math score, but unfortunately dropped a little on the other two sections. Because of this, he didn't raise his overall SAT score or his composite SAT score. Our question is should he still submit the scores to TAMU? His goal in retaking the test was to help with scholarships and also improve his chances for the honors program. Is there any benefit in TAMU seeing his higher math score even though his overall score is slightly lower? Just looking for advise.</p>

<p>I would submit it since he is already admitted. There maybe some scholarship looking for a certain math score. It would not hurt anything.</p>

<p>I know TAMU does not Superscore the SAT, but do scholarships and the honors programs see all submitted scores?</p>

<p>Contact the honors program offices and ask them your question. They can give you the best answer. Congrats on the acceptance!</p>

<p>I don’t recall reading anything about improving Math scores for the President Endowed scholarship or the univ honors programs, except the minimum 570 or 600.</p>

<p>I think to qualify for the President Endowed Scholarship one needed to have an SAT score of an academic admit. Although, higher priority was given to those who were were NM commended, nmsfs & nmfs. </p>

<p>The honors program required top 10% with 1250+ on SAT (min 570 on math and cr). It gave priority to nas, nhrp and nmfs. However, great weight was also placed on essays.</p>