Seen any good movies lately?

Haven’t seen the movie yet - no one invited me to Cannes this year - but Once upon a Time in Hollywood looks terrific. Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Kurt Russell, Al Pacino. Luke Perry’s last film. It got a lengthy standing ovation at Cannes (just how lengthy depends on which article you read). Movies about movies are my favorite genre. I’ll go opening weekend for this one.

Here’s the trailer:

@frazzled1 I’m looking forward to seeing this movie. Brad hasn’t been in a movie recently (or Leo actually). But I didn’t watch The Revenant, not my genre. I texted my oldest to watch the trailer, big cast! Another opening weekend movie I hope to see, Rocketman. Both movies had standing ovations at Cannes.

Saw “Poms” last night. Light hearted, silly comedy, but a nice evening with “the ladies”. We were the only ones I the theater! One snafu (IMO) - they made a point of indicating that one couple was Jewish (first scene of the family home shows a menorah on the fireplace mantle). Then when the husband died they show his casket- a shiny metal thing. Wrong. Most observant Jews are buried in a wooden casket.

We just had a bunch of long flights and I saw a lot of movies:
RBG (about Justice Ginsberg—excellent)
On the Basis of Sex—also amazing and excellent. The two movies together were very moving
Green Book—based on true story and very interesting
Women in Black—about immigrants in Australia who work in upscale department store, well done
The Upside—based on true story, was very engaging
Finding Forrester—talented male teen basketball player and writer finds a most unlikely mentor—may be loosely based on JD Salinger

Oh yeah, also saw “The Wife” with Glenn Close. It was excellent!

“Colette” was also very well done and interesting.

Just saw Long Shot - enjoyed it thoroughly despite a fair number of plot holes and magical thinking. June Diane Raphael is brilliant as the campaign manager playing essentially the same bitchy character she plays in Grace and Frankie. More political satire than I was expecting.

I broke down tonight and splurged - Aladdin 3D - what a treat! Definitely not for kids (sssooo dark, yikes). Anyway I loved it (it’s my favorite of the “modern” Disney cartoon features)

I saw Biggest Little Farm last night and really enjoyed it. A great message about the importance of diversity in agriculture and the interconnectedness of everything in an ecosystem.

Red Joan, with Judi Dench, was also good. She plays a woman who is arrested for being a spy for Russia many decades later; the movie is told in flashbacks.

Booksmarts got some really great reviews. I wasn’t put off by the premise (a female version of Superbad) but I was really disappointed. Thought it was stupid.

@Barbalot I really want to see Biggest Little Farm. Hoping for an opportunity soon that doesn’t require driving over an hour.

I am waiting for “Blinded by the Light.” It looks like a lot of fun.

D2 came home for the weekend and the three of us watched “Always be my Maybe” with Randall Park and Ali Wong on Netlix. It was promoted as an Asian “When Harry Met Sally”. Definitely some similarities, but it stood on its own and was laugh out loud funny in parts. No spoilers, but a famous actor plays himself in a couple of particularly hilarious scenes.

Just saw “Unsane” on Amazon Prime Video, directed by Steven Soderbergh. It was definitely an edge-of-your-seat movie. It is best not to read any reviews so you go into it without knowing anything about the plot. Not for kids though.

I also loved Biggest Little Farm. It was only running in my location a week, at two art theaters.

I watched Always Be My Maybe with my D and her friend yesterday. Both are Asian and liked that more movies have roles for Asians, but my D complained that the movies should also portray Asians who aren’t rich.

Based on the recommendation here, I watched Always Be My Maybe last Friday evening. It was a cute movie, but what bothered me was that Randall Park and Ali Wong portrayed their characters at age 18. It was a little too much of a stretch for me. The actors who portrayed their characters as children were great and Park & Wong were fine as adults.

Long Shot was a fine adult comedy that will be streaming soon since it barely lasted a weekend in the theaters. Andy Serkis really delves into his roles. Try to recognize him here or in the Planet/Apes movies. He’s a good “bad guy” again.

John Wick 3 delivers. This threesome is better and more balanced than Keanu’s Matrix trilogy. He balances his roles as hero and comedian well. He blends into characters seamlessly due to his British, Portuguese, Native Hawaiian, and Chinese ancestry.

My wife and I watched Always Be My Maybe last night, too. It was alright . . . Some ideas/scenes were great (including the famous-person cameo referenced above), others were not so great. It is almost completely linear in getting to its obvious conclusion, which means that it lags in places.

Describing it as an Asian When Harry Met Sally is a little misleading. Harry meets Sally in college, and they see each other at intervals in their 20s and 30s, never really agreeing until they finally get on the same page. The central couple in this film are childhood best friends who meet again after no contact since they finished high school 16 years ago. (Ali Wong is perfectly capable of playing herself at 18. Randall Park isn’t so convincing at playing 34, much less 18.) Their parents are important elements in the story.

$5 Tuesday tickets, so I went to see Rocketman this afternoon. I liked it. I loved the actor who played Bernie Taupin and Bryce Dallas Howard is excellent as Elton’s mum. Costuming is fabulous.

I finally saw A Star Is Born. I have new respect for Bradley Cooper, and love Lady Gaga more than before. There were so many tender moments. I can’t believe other songs from the soundtrack didn’t get airtime around here (as far as I know?). I watched the movie twice and am laying here with earbuds listening to the soundtrack again when I should be sleeping!