Seen any good movies lately?

Anyone see Echo in the Canyon, about '60s groups in Laurel Canyon, narrated by Jakab Dylan (yes, Bob’s son)? I didn’t enjoy it as much as I expected to. I think I liked Rocketman better.

I finally saw A Star is Born, too, on HBO. I liked it, I wasn’t overwhelmed by it. But I loved Bradley Cooper in it and Gaga’s voice is amazing! I don’t know, maybe because I knew the story, just felt predictable, But definitely liked it.

Also watched The Hate U Give this weekend on HBO. Loved it! D21 and S17 both read the book last year but I never got around to it. I really enjoyed it, and loved the girl who is the main character and the actor playing her father - forget his name.

@2VU0609 - we saw Rocketman for $6 last week. The actor who played Bernie Taupin is Jamie Bell, who starred as Billy Elliott in the 2000 movie.

I saw Ben is Back last night. It was gut wrenching. I have two friends with sons who have addiction issues. Many of the scenes in the movie brought to life stories they’ve told of their own experiences. I honestly can’t imagine how affected families make it through each day. They have my utmost sympathy and respect.

Also just saw Rocketman (but had to look up why he played a Pete Townsend song). Will see the new Men in Black later this week. Anyone see it yet?

I just saw “Late Night,” with Emma Thompson and Mindy Kailing. It wasn’t quite as good as the reviews claimed – still decent, certainly – but it’s a must for Emma Thompson fans. She’s really terrific in it.

I’m looking forward to “Yesterday.” The premise sounds promising; I hope it delivers.

@jym626 I know you know my D is collaborating with Elton on a project. In their last weeklong work session, which took place in Italy, Pete Townshend visited the studio for one of the days. He and Elton are good friends. My D and her husband went out to dinner with both of them that evening. :smiley: It was a cool perk.

@soozievt - Woweee! So cool!! Want to see pictures!!

@jym626 I only have a photo of my D with Elton in the studio which I posted on my FB page. Pete T. was not in the photo. However, Pete told my D he had seen my D’s show in NYC last summer and I thought that was neat that he knew who she was. I would like to see the Rocketman movie.

Do go see the Rocketman movie. I was a smidge disappointed that one of his home residences wasn’t mentioned… where I ran into him (not literally!) once in a parking lot many moons ago. So great that PT also knows your DD. She is something special. You should be so proud.

I’ve just returned from the Ptown Film Festival and saw 3 amazing films (well, more than that but 3 that i will call out): Yesterday (a funny film about a world without the Beatles), Mike Wallace is Here (an amazing documentary…i believe it opens in theaters in late July…I had not realized the sad life he had…including the accidental death of his son – a student at Yale – in Greece), and Circus of Books…the kind of film where you keep saying to yourself, “no way this is true.” But it is! In 1976, an observant Jewish couple with 3 kids in LA took over an adult book store and it became the biggest distributor of gay porn in the United States. Their grown daughter (now in her 30s) made the film and it’ll pretty much surprise you for an hour and 20 minutes.

Has anyone seen the documentary “5B”? We had passes to see the preview but couldn’t make it. Has anyone seen it yet?

Just saw the Toy Story 4 trailer. I was thinking… how many sequels does it take to make a movie series stale? Three is probably not enough, especially when all original voices are back. :slight_smile: Will have to watch it on the back screen!

I saw Late Night this afternoon and I loved it. My expectations were that I wasn’t going to see anything that would be nominated for Best Picture, just something that I could enjoy with two actresses I love - Emma Thompson & Mindy Kaling. I loved how Emma Thompson character responded to the challenges presented.

Saw Rocketman on Father’s Day and thought it was entertaining but not on the same level as Bohemian Rhapsody which I enjoyed much more. I think the “musical” numbers were a bit distracting.

Saw “Yesterday”
Packed house.
Strong beginning, boggy in the middle and medium ending.
Suspend belief and logic and you’ll enjoy the movie more.

“Framing John DeLorean”. Fascinating the way they presented his story- archival footage as well as reenactment by Alec Baldwin (as DeLorean) who discusses the difficulty capturing his essence as he was such a complex individual. A surprise part for Dana Ashcroft from Twin Peaks.

Also recommend “Echo in the Canyon”, particularly for those with LA roots in the 60’s and 70’s. Jakob Dylan factors prominently into the presentation of the story and is kind of brooding and there is considerable footage of him playing music from the era, but he fortunately doesn’t dominate the film. Interviews with Tom Petty (not part of the scene, but interesting perspectives nonetheless), David Crosby, Stephen Stills, and Michelle Phillips really bring you back in time.

Finally saw Always Be My Maybe. I’m not too demanding in the rom-com department, but it didn’t quite sparkle. Still it was quite enjoyable.

It has some great moments, though, and the final Hello Peril song alone is pretty much worth the watch.
It’s also fun to compare and contrast with Ali Wong’s much raunchier stand-up specials.