Seen any good movies lately?

Saw another good film last night (not great, but worthy of a couple of hours in the theater) - The Good Liar. I try hard not to look up films before I go, so I can have a blank slate. I’m glad I didn’t look this one up. Helen Mirren and Ian McKallen are divine together in this film. The end was a bit heavy-handed but overall a great evening out.

Lol, I’ve said my motto is, “Rottentomatoes, don’t go the movies without it.”

That said, there have been low rated films I thought were worth the time. (And cost, at the $3 theater.)

Anyone see the Tubman movie?

I went with friends to see Ford versus Ferrari last night. It wasn’t my choice, but I was outvoted by my companions. I have no interest in cars or car racing. That being said, I found myself being drawn into the movie and was glad I went to see it… Christian Bale is a fantastic actor and he was one of the highlights of the film.

@Bromfield2 we we’re debating between “motherless Brooklyn” and “Ford Vs Ferrari”, went to FF. I didn’t love it, but like Bale’s and Damon’s performance. Know nothing about racing and still couldn’t understand why would anyone do 24-hr racing.

We went to see midway last night. It was superficial. I liked it because I am not a history person so I didn’t know many details. My H gave it a C but he is a huge history buff and didn’t come away with anything new. The older I get , the more I cry seeing the soldiers and Pearl Harbor.

I saw Parasite on Friday and thought it was great. Hoping to catch Jojo Rabbit soon as I keep hearing it’s very good.

Saw Ford vs, Ferrari today. I really enjoyed it.

@lookingforward - I saw Harriet - it was okay. I wouldn’t say it was very good. Good “enough” although I understand it’s not remotely accurate a telling of Harriet Tubman’s story.

Alas, that’s what I’d heard/read, @JustaMom. Thx.

Saw Parasite last night and absolutely couldn’t stand it. I could hardly wait for it to be over. The violence was disturbing, but the moral ugliness underlying all of the characters was even more disturbing. I think I understand the intent, but I just wished I could be somewhere else.

The Game Changer. Wow the info in there is great and it is entertaining. Was at the Sundance film festival and now is on Netflix.

I watched The Farewell and it was a moving and very well made movie.

I saw Judy Dench in “Red Joan”—a movie I thought was well done.

Also saw “Breakthrough” about John Smith who fell through the ice and under water for over 13 minutes. It was fascinating How many rallied for him.

Both movies were based on true events. I thought both were well done and would never have seen them but for the 6+ hour flight.

Ford v Ferrari was enjoyable. It’s no award winner, but it was an entertaining way to spend a few hours. One Child Nation was a heartbreaking yet powerful documentary. Even my husband became emotional while watching it.

I watched Yesterday on the airplane also!! It was a light movie that was fun to watch.

Saw Parasite.

@bobo44 — my movie friend had a similar reaction as you. She hated it. Awful people, awful story.

I was in the mood for something weird & different and Parasite delivered. I was surprised & shocked, several times, as the story took its twists & turns.

I can’t exactly say I loved-loved-loved the movie — was there anyone to root for?

Kudos to the screenwriter & director!

Watched Peanut Butter Falcon and really enjoyed it. It’s available streaming/Redbox. I recmmend it if you need a “feel good” movie. I thought Shia Labeouf did a really good job in his role.

@rockymtnhigh - I also saw The Game Changers. I’ve been vegetarian for 40 years, and vegan the last (almost) 5 years. At 61 (and a half) I have more stamina and enjoy physical activity more than I ever did as a young person and this doc helped me understand why. Their website has even more information.

A definite recommendation - especially for those who wonder how vegans and vegetarians are getting their protein sources. I know I’m asked that question a lot!

You have to be careful about taking your 20-something kids’ recommendations on movies. DS recommended “The Nice Guys” (2016) with Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling. Yikes. Lots of violence. Started out kind of funny but went downhill. Surprised that it got 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

We saw Knives Out today and it was a lot of fun! The actors were having a blast chewing scenery.