Seen any good movies lately?

We watched “Hell or High Water,” a movie about two brothers in Texas who go on a bank-robbing spree, and really enjoyed it.

@JustaMom wrote:

I agree. Phoenix deserves the Oscar for his incredible use of his body alone, to say nothing of the range of his performance.

I’m not a big superhero/violent guy movie fan either but I thought Joker was one of the best films I’ve seen in a long time. It was incredibly dark, but unlike Judy, which I saw yesterday, I didn’t leave the movie feeling depressed.

One of the things I liked best about Joker was that it presented a credible backstory for the Joker and his hatred for the rich and powerful of the city and in particular Bruce Wayne. No vat of acid, otherworldly origins, or accidental DNA crossing with other species. Just (spoiler alert)…

A socially awkward man suffering from serious depression, a disability, and childhood abuse pushed to the edge by stress, poverty, and some really crappy life circumstances.

@MaineLonghorn - we loved “Hell or High Water,” too! Such good acting.

@MaineLonghorn We really enjoyed “hell or high water” too. Both Chris Pine and Jeff Bridges are excellent in it, and the social satires are just terrific. Can’t believe that they didn’t make a blip during that year’s Oscar.

Almodovar’s new movie, Pain and Glory, is so, so good. It’s a quieter, more introspective Almodovar, but still sublime in its look, sound and acting. Antonio Banderas gives a heart-melting performance. Highly recommended especially for Almodovar fans. You won’t be disappointed.

Saw “The Current War” Friday night. I thought it was kind of dull. Too bad, because I think the subject is very interesting.

Can’t wait to see the newest Terminator movie when it comes out soon. I hope someone will post their opinion. It’s not that sequels are generally any good, but seeing an older woman in a role like that is rather groundbreaking. It’s annoying to me that older men can continue on as the heroes in movies, but older women? If you have wrinkles and don’t look great in spandex, forget it.

Alright, just went to see Terminator:Dark Fate, and loved it. So far, it seems to be a box office flop, however, if you’re a fan of Terminator movies and enjoy seeing women in action hero roles, you’ll like it. McKenzie Davis is very compelling as a super soldier, and of course you can’t help feeling nostalgic watching Arnold and Linda.

I wonder if people would be more apt to see this movie if Linda Hamilton had been highly Botoxed, or if there had been another male lead, but personally, I enjoyed seeing the trio of women kicking butt.

Speaking of box office flop, Gemini must be one. It is watchable, but the theme is so old (as its first attempt to be made was 20 years ago) and not much excitement was there. Sad that Ang Lee took it on.

Highly recommend South Korean movie “parasite”, great story, hilarious turned dark drama. My emotion followed the turn of events, had a wide spectrum of feelings to the main family of four: from despise, pity, sorrow, to sympathy and love.

Great acting, and really enjoy it.

It is not shown at an art house, which was a happy surprise. There are so many great South Korean movies, catching up and surpassing Japan now.


Great news! Parasite is high on my watch list.

Here, it is at the art house! :slight_smile:

I enjoyed Yesterday on the airplane, in spite of the very sporadic connection. Nice to hear the Beatles hits

Last Christmas is worth an annual viewing if only for the George Michael soundtrack and Milly Clarke. It is a holiday movie that does make one feel good. Stay through the end credits to hear his latest previously unreleased track.

I saw a great film tonight. Don’t look it up (I didn’t) just go see it. I promise you won’t be sorry. It’s funny, it’s poignant, it’s heart wrenching (but no tears) and more. I was surprised. You will be too. The film? Jojo Rabbit. Seriously, go see it.

I love the director of JoJo Rabbit, Taika Waititi. He did The Hunt for the Wilderpeople which is maybe my favorite movie of the decade. But I found JoJo Rabbit disturbing. Yeah it was funny. But it’s also not funny. A week later I’m still thinking about it. I guess I’m supersensitive about this stuff in movies but I really found this movie devastating. That was the idea, obviously, but it’s being advertised as a comedy which it most assuredly is not. I guess I’m glad I saw it but I wouldn’t see it again.

I haven’t seen it yet, but my daughter called me tonight and raved about “Marriage Story”, in her opinion a definite must-see. (Only showing in some art houses in my region, set to start streaming on Netflix in December).

As a caution: jojo rabbit is not for children. It starts as a comedy because it’s the perspective is that of a 10-year old, but real life and history stop that.

Instant family

Correct, Jojo Rabbit is not a comedy, nor for children. Many films are labeled in ways to sell an audience.

@Wellspring - my thought is if you’re still thinking about the film (regardless of the thought(s)), then it was a success.

@calmom - I haven’t seen Marriage Story, but I will. it may be the Kramer vs Kramer of this generation.