Seen any good movies lately?

So, the new Pixar movie is streaming on Disney+ now. My boys (19, 12) have always been very close but S19 is growing into manhood a little too quickly for Little S. S19 finally had some time for his brother and they watched Onward.

I can’t tell you if it’s good, myself… but they came out of the room clutching each other, bawling, and saying “Love you so much, my bro!”

Disney broke my kids!!! LOL

@bgbg4us We just saw “Shakespeare in Love” - it’s a lovely bonbon of a movie. If you’ve read or seen “Romeo and Juliet” before it’s even better, though many of the allusions are written into the screenplay. It’s silly but also wicked clever. Gwynneth Paltrow is at her most radiant and Joseph Fiennes does a pretty good job of looking sultry. It’s a weird mix of modern and old fashioned. Shakespeare complaining of writer’s block to his well - he sure looks like a psychiatrist are very funny.

@ChaosParent23 my husband and I and our D20 (age 17) saw Onward recently too and we all really liked it a lot!

I have read this thread sporadically so don’t know if this one has been mentioned, but we watched Booksmart on Hulu the other day. So good! Reminded me (in a good way) of a Superbad/Ferris Bueller/LadyBird type movie. The main characters were amazing.

We have been watching random movies after scrolling around on Netflix and Amazon Prime. We liked the movie, Dean, with Kevin Kline. It was a low key, relationship movie.

Tonight we watched The Aeronauts. l didn’t really know what it was about and we were very surprised. If you haven’t seen it, watch it without reading about it first. Second up was Midsommar. Oh boy. You need to be in the right mood for this one.

@MohnGedachtnis Metropolitan is one of my favorite movies of all time. So many great lines (“the harm that excessive candor can do,” and the stepmother “of untrammeled malevolence”).

Another great indie movie from the 90s is Next Stop Wonderland, set in Boston with a wonderful bossa nova soundtrack

Just watched “ColdWar” a subtitled Polish movie that won multiple awards. The actress is a upcoming actress that’s getting a lot of press. It was entertaining. She was good. Have to be in the mood for subtitles.

Metropolitan reminds me so much of the in crowd at my high school that I was soooo not a part of, but I do like it. Still really enjoying The Rookie. Nice ensemble cast.

The other movie we watched today was “Sunshine Hotel”. It’s a documentary about the flop housing in the old Bowery Street area in New York. An interesting look at this and like a study of mental illness. Not the intent but my takeaway. Found it interesting.

My D20 and I watched American Honey together, an A24 film that she wanted to see. It was very interesting. At first I wasn’t sure I liked it but it grew on me, and the more I thought about it afterwards, the more I liked it. Made with mostly inexperienced actors that the director just discovered, including the female lead who she discovered on a Florida beach on Spring Break but also with Shia LaBeouf in a lead role, it was really impressive.

We just watched the 2020 French film Les Miserables and thought it was very well done. A bit of Training Day and a bit of Do The Right Thing.

Great movie, but not a box office blockbuster: Inside Man (Clive Owen & Denzel)

Cult classic action movie: Collateral (Tom Cruise & Jamie Foxx)

Recent: The Joker…wow…just wow…but really dark so not exactly pandemic relief.

Pleasantly surprised: Ford v Ferrari (Matt Damon & Christian Bale)

Inside Job was a terrific movie!

My son noted on Saturday that it was the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission so we watched Apollo 13 and that made us think of The Martian and we watched that again. Wow, that was a few hours of shut-down that passed pleasurably.

Just watched a movie of a play, “Flowers for Mrs Harris,” about a widow charwoman and her adventures. It was sweet and free; they are hoping folks will consider donating to theaters as due to social distancing they’re all closed and lots could use the support.

“The Florida Project” on Netflix. The child actors were incredible.

@GKUnion & @Singswimsew - I love inside Man too! maybe I’ll watch it again.

we watched with our 14 yr old D the original Star Wars . Luke is so whiny in that show! I told my D how when I was a little girl and saw the movie, I thought Luke and Lea would end up together. she just rolled her eyes.

watched Onward last night and I really enjoyed that.

@mathmom, I also enjoyed Shakespeare in Love. Did you know it won the academy award for best picture in 1999, beating out Saving Private Ryan? Thoughts were that Harry Weinstein was the reason for that, getting to the academy members.

I do remember some grumbling at the time. I didn’t see Saving Private Ryan, so can’t judge. To me the movie was light weight, but also clever in the way it utilized so many lines straight from the bard. Oscars rarely go to the best picture in any event.

Also watched Treasure Island from National Theater in UK. It was very cleaver how they utilized a minimal stage to recreate an inn, ship, desert island. The acting was superb, and again the movie of it was free.

Watched The Way Back with Ben Affleck. It’s well acted and we liked it, but we also love sports movies.