Seen any good movies lately?

Recently have watched “Blinded by the Light” which is basically Bend it Like Beckham except Springsteen instead of soccer, “Little Women”, and just watched “Knives Out” tonight. Really enjoyed all of them.

On The Basis of Sex. Very good movie about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Caught a movie on TCM - an older one from 1988. Called The Vanishing; its French with subtitles. Oh My - didn’t expect that ending!

Since SXSW got cancelled, all of the Film Festival collection will be on Amazon starting Monday, 4/27 until May 6…Free. You just need free Amazon account.

Looks like some interesting films, documentaries…

Getting caught up on rock-related dramas. Recently watched Yesterday, Rocketman, and Bohemian Rhapsody. Liked Yesterday the best (there’s a moment near the end that involves a visit that, if it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you’re not a boomer) and Rocketman the least. Was not prepared for the rock musical style of Rocketman. Bohemian Rhapsody played fast and loose with history, but the music made it enjoyable.

@garland , yes we need to see Blinded by the Light as well.

Thanks so much for this news!

I finally saw Parasite. I had no idea what it was about- my favorite way to see movies- and I was really surprised by it. I see why it won - very interesting! I was completely engaged, beginning to end.

Joker was a good movie. It says a lot about our society.

Was it easy to follow the subtitles? My wife wants to watch it with me and everytime I am just not in the mood to concentrate on subtitles… Yes, I occasionally will watch a subtitled movie also. Don’t know why I have this mental block with this movie…

^^ it was just fine with subtitles. But don’t try it when you’re sleepy, and think you’ll just . . close your eyes and listen a bit.

That’s the problem. I seem to be tired when she wants to watch
Maybe a mid afternoon movie this weekend then… Lol… Thx

Subtitles tend to suddenly turn into a big hurdle when you’re not completely enthusiastic to watch a movie. That’s what I’ve experienced, at least.

Because we started watching everything with subtitles (H is partly deaf), I have gotten so used to them I don’t give them a thought. And it’s really improved both our viewing experiences, since he doesn’t miss so much, and I’m not continually repeating for him.

Just watched Baby Driver from 2017. It was great! My husband and D20 had seen it in the movie theater when it first came out but wanted to see it again, and I had not seen it with them. Amazing use of music coordinating with the action of the film. I don’t know if others do this, but after I see a movie, I go to and read the trivia about the movie and I end up learning so much, it really enhances my enjoyment of the film to read these details after the fact. With this film, there were many that pointed out little details the director had put in that either foreshadowed later things which I’d missed or just shed light on the director’s thoughts and what went into the film.

I LOVED Baby Driver.

@doschicos you and I seem to agree on many films :smile:

We have good taste. :wink:

So I finally watch Parasite last night. It was great. I didn’t realize that is was mostly a comedy until later on. Very clever. I didn’t love the basement story and forward to the end. (don’t want to talk about it)… But thought it was well done overall.

@ CAtransplant Baby Driver was great!

I loved Baby Driver, too. Great movie and accompanying music.

We end up with subtitles on a lot lately. Sometimes I put them on when I want to stay up later than the rest and not disturb anyone. Sometimes my H can’t catch on to strong accents and doesn’t want to miss any important dialogue.