Seen any good movies lately?

We watched Stardust from around 2007 on Showtime and I totally enjoyed it. Kind of silly and reminiscent of The Princess Bride.

List on new movies that are streaming.

Some are on Netflix or Amazon (rent or buy)

Disney anyone? A Dad and daughters watched and ranked 107 Disney movies–it took five years. Must admit I’ve seen over half–what parent hasn’t. Interesting to see where my faves fell on their list…and their #1

We watched Uncut Gems tonight. H and I agreed, we haven’t seen a movie that kept us on the edge of our seats throughout for a long time.

Watched a 2018 film on Netflix last night called Private Life with Paul Giamatti. Hadn’t heard of it but was alerted to it by this NYT article (not the same as the other article posted above). It was very good, funny and poignant.

Saw Uncut Gems last night. Its frenetic, stressful, non-stop motor-mouthing and multiple-cross talking from the very beginning to its end left me exhausted and with a headache (I almost stopped watching about a quarter way into it). As a film, I found it brilliantly constructed and for the first time truly appreciated Adam Sandler as more than a light-weight, silly and comedic actor of Happy Gilmore. Though seedy and unlikable, I found myself pulling for the character’s success in the end only to find the increasing crescendo of the final scenes come to the anti-climatic ending. As it should be.

Has anyone seen Frankie? Since a planned trip to Portugal had to be shelved, maybe I can travel there through the movie.

Saw Moonstruck with my mom—free on Amazon Prime. Cher and Olivia Dukakis were excellent.

Also saw Tarzan with mom on Netflix. She stayed awake for both movies, so it’s a win!

We rewatched Oh Brother Where Art Thou the other day, introducing it to our D19. We all had some good laughs, and damn if those songs aren’t ear worms- I’ve been singing snippets ever since.

Just Mercy is available for free on most streaming platforms. I know it was mentioned earlier when it was in theaters and want to echo the previous endorsements. The story is powerful and resonates particularly at this time.

@milgymfam Just wish I could sing three-part harmony all by myself!

O Brother - great movie, awesome soundtrack! D20 and I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire - excellent. Also saw Crip Camp, a very interesting documentary about a camp for disabled youth in the 70’s that led to the disability rights movement and passage of crucial laws protecting their rights.

@JazzyTXMom - thanks for the heads up. I found Just Mercy free on Fandango through my Roku and H and S and I are watching it now.

I watched the Netflix documentary “Spelling the Dream” tonight. It was a pleasant way to spend the evening. I think I liked Spellbound better, but it’s been so long since I saw it that I can’t say that with full certainty.

Have watched very few movies this year but plan to watch Parasite and Knives Out soon. Blinded By the Light looks cute. I’m very out of the loop with movies, though.

I watched Outsourced, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, and Yesterday a while back and found them all cute. I especially found A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood uplifting and positive. It put me in a good mood.

Watched Just Mercy last night on Amazon, and it was even better than I expected. Amazon created a whole new category, “Black History, Hardship and Hope,” with a large selection of titles.

4 of us (2 generations) watched Just Mercy last night and really enjoyed it. A related documentary worth watching is 13th.

Agree, Just Mercy was well done. 13th and When They See Us are well worth watching, too.

Nice surprise we had choosing this one. Turned out to be very good.

Tonight we watched Honey Boy, followed by Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot. Both very good.