Seen any good movies lately?

We also watched 1917 and felt that while technically it was very well made, it did not make us look at war any differently. Shortly afterwards, we watched “They Shall Not Grow Old,” and we both found it much more profound and affecting in its representation of WWI.

I watched The Duchess (2008) today. Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes, historical British true story. How did I miss this movie? Enjoyed it very much, plus I considered Keira and I think there is only one of her movies I didn’t enjoy so I like her performances. Ralph also in the roles I’ve seen (which is why I won’t see Schindler’s List).

We stumbled across the 2009 film, Moon. Sam Rockwell is such an underrated gem of an actor and this movie was really well done.

This is late, but yes, we saw it and loved it.

We’ve seen a few enjoyable movies lately (we tend to like quirky comedies and have been mostly avoiding dramas lately, especially):

Poms (Dianne Keaton moves to a senior community and puts a cheerleader team together - her dream from high school)

Fighting with my Family (based on a true story; with the Rock and Vince Vaughn, who were both very good although neither was the focus of the story)

The Lovebirds (this was just released on Netflix yesterday - very silly and fun. We love Kumail Nanjani)

Logan Lucky. Fun caper with Adam Driver, Channing Tatum, and Daniel Craig.

Braven. Suspense drama with Jason Momoa.

Finally got to see Emma when it switched from $20 first run to $6 On Demand. Charming movie, good plot ;), and fantastic costumes and sets. I think it captured the satirical intent of the novel re characters, although it definitely was a different kind of Knightly.

Oh, and my husband in the next room said it was great music.

@NJSue love love love Seven Brides! The dancing is fabulous as you say, and the singing by Howard Keel and Jane Powell is gorgeous. And I had a crush on Russ Tamblyn and Gideon when I watched it when I was young.

@milgymfam Yes, agree Moon is a very good movie - saw it some years ago. @psychmomma also really enjoyed Logan Lucky - ended up seeing it twice, once on a plane and again later with my husband.

@amsunshine we just discovered and saw The Lovebirds tonight - totally agree, absolutely silly but we laughed out loud a lot - so fun. Love Kumail Nanjani as well.

Saw “Roman Holiday” on Amazon Prime with my mom. We both loved it and can see why Audrey Hepburn won best actress for it—amazing it was her 1st movie.

Saw “To Catch a Thief” with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.

Saw “Charade,” with Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn. It was well done as well. Some humor and some suspense.

Saw Funny Face with Audrey Hepburn & Fred Astaire.

Mom enjoyed them as she recognized the actors/actresses. I believe all were shot on location in Europe and lovely.

I never understood the fascination with Grace Kelly until I saw her in Rear Window. Fell in love with her right then and there. She was so elegant and gorgeous. What a contrast to rough-around-the-edges Thema Ritter who played Jimmy Stewart’s housekeeper in the film.

Had same reaction to Kelly MacGillis when I saw her in Witness. When I found out she was a lesbian it broke my heart! Oh well…

@HImom , what you say about the locations in those movies—that’s the reason why I especially enjoy James Bond movies–they don’t pretend to be in (name exoctic locale)–they film there. Lots of places you just can’t fake. We visited the lagoon filled with icebergs in Iceland where a Bond scene was filmed. It was very cool (no pun intended, though it was cold!) Diamonds are Forever filmed in Amsterdam, and I recognized places I’d seen there, even though the movie was filmed 40+ years earlier.

Just curious. Not films but has anyone bought or watched like plays?

Goodman theater in Chicago and others are having online shows
Never really thought about it but not costly especially if the family watches together (just rationalizing).

Steppenwolf theater also

Honestly, never thought about doing this.

As far as movies find /get this sweet love story based on some truth. Glenn Hasard is a musician and tours by himself or with his band The Frames . You will recognize a few songs. It was a Broadway play also. Hmm have to look for that

I love the movie Once. Fantastic music, story, and acting.

Two other movies I really like that revolve around music are Rudderless and Begin Again.

@psychmomma Begin Again is one of my favorites, watched it twice in one week when I first saw it. Rudderless I saw last year because I’ve liked Billy Crudup since Inventing the Abbotts and Almost Famous (I watch every year!). Rudderless was not an easy watch, great acting/music.

I’ll have to add Once to the list! Another music themed movie I found last year is Tumbledown, more in theme than music in the movie. Another favorite of mine Laurel Canyon, Christian Bale and Frances McDormand, good music.

@HImom - you’ve hit some of my all time favorites. Another fun on location movie is Gigi, filmed in Paris. Great costumes and sets. It includes one of my favorite movie lines of all times from Aunt Alicia, “Topaz? In my jewels? Are you mad?” And Maurice Chavalier, not disregarding the undesirable undertones, still hams it up beautifully.

I have watched some plays as movies, including, “Treasure Island,” “Flowers for Mrs Harris,” “Love Never Dies,” and of course “Phantom”. They were all very well done, but plots were too complicated for viewing with my mom.

With mom, I stick to shows with actors she loves and plots she may be familiar with (or at least can follow somewhat).

Watched Bad Education on HBO this week, Was excellent and acting was superb. Great cast. Hugh Jackman, Allison Janney, and Ray Romano. Highly recommend.

@CAtransplant I have felt that Seven Brides is a sort of guilty pleasure but on reflection, the main character (Milly–Jane Powell) stands up for herself and demands to be treated with respect, and she encourages the other young women to do the same. Her husband (Adam–Howard Keele) eventually comes around to her way of thinking.

Saw Emma today. I enjoyed it a lot, though I thought the music was very distracting. I could watch it again just to get a better look at those stately homes! It is not my favorite Jane Austen as I find both Emma and Mr. Knightley irritating, but I rather liked this Mr. Knightley. He seemed much more like the bossy older brother than a father figure. I loved the way he flung himself around his empty house. Miranda Hart was perfect as Miss Bates. In fact, I think I liked the movie better than the book. :slight_smile:

Rewatched “Titanic” on CBS tonight. I do like that movie.

We watched The Invention of Lying (from 2009) tonight. Funny, sad, touching, irreverent. Ricky Gervais.