Seen any good movies lately?


I watched The Half of It this past weekend. It was a quiet quality film.

Although I had a little tough time reading all those text messages on the screen. (now we see them everywhere in teen TV dramas and movies. I know it’s relevant today but I hate them.)

I really liked the very ending. I was surprised I got teary.

After the movie, we googled the director and WOW!! yeah, we were blown away by her educational background!!

I should check out Saving Face, too. (How uncanny that you saw two movies back to back without knowing they were by the same writer/director.)

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Saw “First Wives Club” — it was much better than I expected. Saw West Side Story with my mom today, and it was classic as always but made me sad that we still have the violence and bickering and racism. Lovely songs, of course. Somewhere was my HS grad song.

I’m planning to watch KnivesOut, since it’s free with Amazon Prime this month.

I watched The Last Black Man in San Francisco tonight and LOVED it. I admit that I am biased as I live in San Francisco, but the director and actors did a fabulous job of capturing San Francisco, both pros and cons, and the racial consequences of gentrification.

@camathmom we adored that movie! I was also intrigued when I found out the star wrote it about his own life, and that he wasn’t a professional actor. This was his first role. So very well done. His costar we just recently saw in Da 5 Bloods, which was also just excellent.

We just watched The Last Black Man in San Francisco, too. Really well done! I can’t believe the lead isn’t already a seasoned actor. He has a bright future.

We just finished The Biggest Little Farm on Hulu. It had to take so much patience and perseverance to turn that land into what it’s become. Highly recommend.

Just saw “Knives Out” free on Amazon Prime. It was surprisingly enjoyable and sure did fool me. It was well done.

I have been recommending “Knives Out” to everyone! So entertaining and well-written! The actors all look like they had a blast making it.

Just a reminder that you have until the end of June to enjoy Just Mercy, Selma, Brian Banks and other BLM recommended movies for free via streaming platforms.

THANKS! Wasn’t aware it was on Prime, and it’s been on my list for some time. Just finished watching - very enjoyable.

We watched I See You last night, a thriller. I thought it was very well done! The whole family liked it. Very suspenseful.

We finally got around to Ford vs Ferrari tonight. I’d avoided it because I am not into cars or racing or any of it, but it was really entertaining despite that. It feels like we are running out of movies we haven’t seen, though- at least movies we haven’t seen that we are excited to see.

I watched “Irresistible” Friday night and we actually enjoyed it. Thought it was funny.
Yes, there is a political message (Unlimited money in American politics=BAD) but they don’t hit you over the head with it, and there is a cute surprise ending.

Caveats: Movie got an absolutely scathing horrible review from Katie Walsh. It costs $19.99 which is more than 2 senior tickets cost for the movie theater which we are not going to. There is a lot of bad language, some of it seems unnecessary, if that kind of stuff bothers you. The only reason I watched it on opening night was because a friend of mine is in the movie (a brief non-speaking role), but as I said, I enjoyed the movie.

Athlete A, a Netflix documentary about the USA Gymnastics/Larry Nassar scandal. My D was a gymnast (not to the Olympic level–thank God!), so I’m quite familiar with the nature of the gymnastics beast.

Disturbing, infuriating look at the lengths USAG/Karolyi’s went to ignore/cover up/deny the abuse complaints by girls and their parents. Money…not the best interests of the girls.
I woke up still angry, annoyed, sad…and cursing that animal Nassar.

But! It is a much watch to see the girls find their voice, even if it was years later. The scenes with the victim impact statements–so powerful!

Agree with seeing Just Mercy, quite moving.
Also enjoyed special effects in The Train from 1964 with Burt Lancaster- WWII plot, occupied France.

Does Hamilton count as a movie? I watched it today and loved it! I had never heard any of the music either, so the whole experience was new. I had hoped to see it in the theater some day, but it was a fabulous mood lifter during these boring stay-at-home times. Lin is a creative genius. The cast was remarkable. I’m so thrilled I’ll be able to watch it over and over until I get sick of it. Ha!

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I watched Hamilton last night too – well worth it & I think something of a genius move on the part of Disney to decided to air it right now. (There original plan was for cinematic release in late 2021 – so it’s a nice treat to have it now).

I would have loved to see it in theaters but it was really out of my price range – and I definitely would never have had the opportunity to see it with the original cast.

I plan to watch it this weekend…at least for the first time. We were supposed to see the theater production last weekend. Oh well…

I’ve seen Hamilton live twice but it was a wonderful treat to see the original cast and some of the expressions in the close up shots were very moving. It’s hard to see that from the audience.
I loved it and will watch again and again.

OK, OK will have to rent or have Disney for a month so we can watch Hamilton. Saw it in Chicago. I was surprised that I liked it so much. I saw “In the Heights” play. prior and it was OK but you can see him maturing if you see that first then Hamilton. Just noticed “In the Heights” will be a movie next year!

YES! Everybody should see HAMILTON (the movie). For $7.50 ($6.99+ tax) you can get Disney + for 1 month and watch it as many times as you want and cancel your subscription if you want.

We watched Friday night. It was fantastic! Almost like being there in the theater. We have an old 42" plasma TV but a pretty good sound system with a subwoofer so the overall experience, watching and listening, was great.

We were very lucky to have seen the Broadway show on February 7, before everything got shut down. Excellent seats at list price. I was amazed at how great every single cast member was, even though they were not the original cast. Watching the movie was fun to see the original cast, and I have to say some of the actors I saw on Broadway I think were better. :smile:

And for anyone who has seen the show (or the movie), it is still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that one person wrote all those lines and music, and then played one - of many - parts on stage (I know he must have had some help with arrangements, harmonies, choreography, costumes)

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