Seen any good movies lately?

I watched Parasite and it definitely deserves the hype. I highly recommend everyone to watch it!

Have been watching various Wimsey episodes, after having read most of the books. They’re quite interesting—in some respects faithful to the books and depart in several areas. I liked the Acorn series Bunter better than the one they used subsequently. He seemed to have great rapport with Ian Carmichael’s Wimsey.

I liked the actress who played Harriet Vane better than her character in the books. I really loved Miss Climson!

The other night, DH and I watched “Hanover Street,” the 1979 movie with Harrison Ford and Lesley-Anne Down. I don’t think I’d ever seen it before! Kind of fluffy but we both enjoyed it. He was so young!!

I can enjoy Harrison Ford in almost anything so I pulled up the New York Times review. Boy did they hate Hanover Street! I often think they are dead wrong about movies, but the review is a stitch.

Watched Local Hero. It came up on several lists of movies filmed in Scotland, which we were planning to visit until the world got crazy. Maybe in a year or two?

Found it to be a little bit dated (80’s fashion and hair styles, people looking for payphones, etc), took a while to get into it, but it was good overall.

@MADad I love Local Hero. We saw some of the local filming sites when we were in Scotland decades ago. Hope you get to visit! The 17 day driving trip all around Scotland was one of my favorite trips ever!

The Fosse/Verdon thread is closed, but just wanted to mention that TCM seems to be having Fosse night tonight: Sweet Charity, All That Jazz, Cabaret. It starts at 5:00 in San Diego.

Ha, that’s funny! Yeah, I can see why it didn’t win an Oscar, but I could also watch Ford in anything, so maybe that’s why I liked it. But DH did, too, so who knows.

We just watch Hugh Grant in “About a Boy”. I feel about the same way about Hugh Grant as I do about Harrison Ford. He hasn’t got a lot of depth, but I have yet to see a movie he’s in that I haven’t enjoyed. There was a lot of hoopla that I remember at the time about this is the movie where he finally had a grown up role. For some reason I missed seeing it then. I’d say his role is really not that different, but the movie is different. It surprised me in a lot of ways. The boy really is terrific.

^^You might enjoy “A Very English Scandal” starring Hugh Grant. It’s on Netflix (or one of the other similar).

We just saw “Mulan” last night on Disney Plus. Mulan is my D21’s favorite Disney movie from her childhood so we were anxious to see this remake. We LOVED it. Highly recommended. I know there was a lot of negative hype about the making of this movie – all I can say is to ignore all that. I thought the acting, the plotline, the choreography of the battle scenes, etc – all very well-done. It felt like what the telling of the Mulan legend should be (the original Disney version was too slapsticky, imo, although the music and humor were enjoyable).

The only somewhat sad part about it was not being able to see it in an actual theater – the cinematography is just gorgeous and it would have been even more breathtaking to watch on a big screen.

We saw Molly’s Game last night. It’s a fascinating look at a former elite skier (almost made the Olympic Team, but had a freak accident) who ends up running high stakes poker games and inadvertently gets caught up with the Russian mob. Jessica Chastaine and Idris Elba are a lot of fun together.

@eb23282 I will probably not watch Class Action Park since I went once as a teen and had a memorable experience. Ticket driving on the way there. Also, my boyfriend and sister’s boyfriend had to help me in the wave pool, scary (and I was on summer swim teams). I said no to an insane slide others had no fear. Crazy, plus years later I worked with someone and her friend lived near the hospital that had a lot of park patients.

@mathmom About A Boy is one of my favorite movies, I have to pull myself from watching when it’s on, I know lines. I get teased when Nicholas Hoult is on I say “Marcus”. He was recently on The Great With Elle Fanning. Add Music and Lyrics, Bridget Jones’ Diary and The Rewrite. I really like Hugh and of course classic Four Weddings and a Funeral.

@3sonsmom Also, Two Weeks’ Notice. :slight_smile: We love Hugh Grant here, as well. We recently rewatched Music and Lyrics.

I love Hugh Grant in anything.

On another subject, I really want to see The Personal History of David Copperfield. Is it really only in theaters? Not going to a theater. I would pay to stream it.

Speaking of a huge dose of much needed nostalgia, not a movie but a short and very bingable series on Netflix right now…Cobra Kai. Dripping with 80’s cheese, music and references, it’s a fun sequel to the Karate Kid movies. Had to convince myself to watch it and am glad I did. Surprisingly nuanced characters alongside the over the top karate scenes. If you grew up in the 80’s or have a soft spot for the All Valley Under 18 Karate Championship, it’s worth a watch.

Just watched The Painted Veil which is based on a Somerset Maugham novel I have not read. (It’s very interesting to see what changes they made to the novel - I suspect I liked the movie more than I would have liked the book, but I am now interested enough, I may go back and read it.) The original book waxi autonomous region (near Guilin). The scenery is absolutely stunning with the iconic karst mountains and Li river.

It is not a cheery movie, but I liked where it went, not 100% bleak. Toby Jones rather steals the movie as Waddington, a minor British official living with a Chinese woman. (He was Lance in the Dectectorists.) Diana Rigg is rather fun as the Mother Superior. Naomi Watts and Edward Norton are fine as the leads, and Liv Schreiber does a nice cad.

Watched all the Dorothy Sayers movies (several converted from BBC TV shows) I could find—on YouTube and at the library. They were good and interesting to compare with the books I had read.

Also just say 2020 Disney Mulan. It was entertaining to H and me— a different interpretation than prior one.

Saw a young Merle Streep and Nicholas Cage in “ Falling in Love.” Would not recommend. :frowning:

I’m now reading the book and still laughing at all the memories. I think this passage sums it up best…
“But the way people spoke about Action park was very different from how someone might describe their experience at Great Adventure or Disney. With those places, it was about the fact that you said hi to Mickey Mouse and Pluto and came out with a cool hat. At Action Park, it was like describing how you were T-boned by a tractor trailer and narrowly escaped with your life. How you endured each ride was a story you passed on to family and friends.”

This couldn’t be more true. My kids couldn’t believe some of the stories I shared with them until they watched the movie and youtube videos and actually saw they were real. To this day, some 30-40 years later, my friends and I still talk about the craziness that was Action Park.

On another note, thank you to whoever recommended Peanut Butter Falcon. Very enjoyable movie.

Last night we liked a Documentary called Icarus (Netflix). It started out with a cyclist/journalist trying to see if doping improved his race performance. Then it changed course when the Russian giving advise was under investingation.,playing%20only%20in%20limited%20markets.