Seen any good movies lately?

We enjoyed “Finch” on Apple TV with Tom Hanks. If you liked him in “Cast Away” you will probably also like him in this more futuristic film. Special bonus - sweet dog scenes.


Red Notice on Netflix- funny and well done. Thanks for the suggestion.


We enjoyed Red Notice too. Saw it on Netflix.


Yes we watched Red Notice last night and also liked it. It didn’t take itself too seriously.


We saw Eternals last night at the theater continuing our quest to help them out financially. Fortunately, there were more people there than our Monday experience, but not watching Eternals with us - only 3 others in that showing. Many seemed to be heading to Clifford with their young kids.

Eternals reminded me I don’t like Superhero movies. It was long and rather boring to me. The other three (H, S, and DIL) who like Superhero movies weren’t necessarily super impressed either. They spent the trip home discussing how Marvel is going a different direction and pros/cons with it. I don’t want to give spoilers.

For me, and I think for all four of us, Red Notice was the most fun to watch.

There isn’t anything else on at the theaters we care to watch right now (already saw Bond and the kids have already seen the other Superhero ones). Hopefully new things will come out that we like before long.

Moonfall and Uncharted both look like they could be fun next year. Both come out in Feb when we’re in the USVI. If they’re still in theaters when we return we’ll catch them there.

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We also watched Red Notice last weekend and really enjoyed it.

D2 decided to buy the AMC monthly movie pass for the next 3 months since there were many movies coming out that she wanted to see. She went to see The French Dispatch on Monday night and said she really wanted to like it, but thought it was just so so.

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We saw Love Actually last night at the theater. It’s almost 20 years old, but we never saw it. Super fun and sweet. Big list of actors. I thought we’d be by ourselves, but AGAIN during the last pre-view two groups (one of 4 and one of 2) walked in. What’s up with everyone coming late all of the time? Grumble.

But our parking lot seemed packed. We couldn’t figure out why, but there were lots of old ladies milling about. Journey with Jesus was showing and apparently a large church group came. H stepped into the theater - our sound was messed up during the preview, so he went to let someone know - and said the theater was packed. Glad I wasn’t in there!

I was looking forward to Eternals, but I think we will wait for it to be on TV. H’s friend saw it and thought it was slow and boring, and she is a HUGE Marvel freak. We are going to see the new Ghost Busters next Tuesrday. That looks cute.


i LOVE Love Actually! glad you saw it.
i’m looking for a movie for a girls night. that may make the list. (no sci-fy for my friends).


My girls always like to watch Love Actually and The Holiday during the Christmas season.


I hadn’t heard of Red Notice until my Facebook account suggested to me a video of Ryan Reynolds on Antiques Roadshow and from the comments apparently he was in character from that movie in the clip. Now I’m planning to watch it this weekend.

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Red Notice is one of those movies that most movie goers seem to love, despite the critics reviews (33 percent of critics, 91 percent of audience gave positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes). I really enjoyed it, and liked all 3 of the main characters and their chemistry.


We watched Red Notice on Netflix a few days ago. I enjoyed it–not the greatest movie of all time, but definitely entertaining. A few years ago, my husband sat next to Ryan Reynolds at an outdoor bar at a summer resort. Apparently, he and H had a pleasant chat. H had no idea who he was until Reynolds left and the bartender came over with a check and said–“that was Ryan Reynolds.”


We’ve often loved movies critics didn’t think as highly of - and vice versa. Now I’ve learned to use audience ratings far more than critics if they differ.

We loved the chemistry of the characters too, but I’m a fan of Dwayne Johnson anyway. I just looked up Ryan Reynolds. This is the first movie I’ve seen him in. His name wasn’t at all familiar to me before Red Notice.


Thanks all who recommended Captain Fantastic. I just watched it and liked it very much!


We watched Red Notice on Netflix tonight. It was good entertainment, and we liked it. Reminded me a bit of My Spy (on Prime), a criminal/spy story with humor and minimal violence.


I watched an 80 minute documentary on Netflix last night about Mardy Fish - his tennis career and struggle with mental health issues. The title is Untold: Breaking Point. I think it may be part of a series, but I view it as stand alone. Recommend for tennis fans.

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Yes that was excellent. I was so impressed he was willing to share his story.

H and I took a break from watching holiday movies last night and watched Jungle Cruise since it was available on Disney Plus. It was silly, but fun.


We liked Jungle Cruise too - loved the twists in it.

In general we love fun movies without a ton of foul language or unnecessary s-- scenes. We enjoy escaping into something “new.” I wish they would make more movies like those.


Amen to that!

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